Malang, ( – All citizens are required to defend the country. Welcoming a prosperous tomorrow. Thus is a fragment of the National Defense March. This song was sung in a series of National Defense Day Ceremonies held at Malang City Hall, Thursday (22/12/2022). This year, the Malang City Government held a National Defense Day ceremony also in conjunction with Mother's Day which is commemorated today.

Acting as the ceremony inspector, the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji revealed that these two important commemorations were made in one series because they are related. “We were both born from mothers. Biologically born by our mothers. Geographically we were born in the motherland that we love. When we are devoted to our parents, it means we must behave well. How we become children of the motherland, of course we must defend the country,” he said.
Furthermore, Sutiaji emphasized that loving one's country is part of faith according to the teachings of the Prophet, namely 'Hubbul Wathan Minal Iman'. "This has consequences and implications for people whose true selves do not love their country, then their faith is shallow and porous. If there are people who want to undermine the ideology of the nation and we remain silent, then their faith is truly questionable," he emphasized.
Sutiaji said that this ceremony was not merely ceremonial. The bespectacled man encouraged all parties to use this moment for self-introspection. “Have we become good people according to our mother’s ideals? Have we become useful people and devoted to the country? Build our souls and bodies for the strength of the Republic of Indonesia, the solidity of Pancasila as the state ideology. Diversity is a necessity for national unity, and the 1945 Constitution is the source and basis for what we are doing today,” he said.
In this activity, the National Defense Pledge was read firmly and loudly. It further aroused the spirit and instilled the soul to continue to love the homeland and have resilience and resilience in facing challenges that can damage the integrity and the country. In addition, the choir from the Malang City Education and Culture Office sang songs with the theme 'Mother' which reminded of the great love of a mother for her children. A touching atmosphere was also created when a poem with the theme 'Mother' was read by Quenesa Nararya Putri Dian (a student of SDN Tunjungsekar 1) accompanied by musical illustrations by Mahindra Wisnu Putra, S.Pd (a teacher at SMPN 14 Malang).
In this activity, 14 operational service cars were also handed over from the Malang City Government to the 083 Baladika Jaya Military Command, Malang Naval Base, Denpom V/3 Malang, Malang City BNN, Malang City Police Sector, and Malang City Military Rayon Command.
The mayor said that this official car is one form of government facilitation to jointly maintain the conduciveness of the region. "It is borrowed for daily operational activities," he concluded. (ari/ram)