News Law, Politics, and Government

Malang City Prepares 800 Personnel to Secure 2023 New Year Celebrations

Malang, ( – Hundreds of cross-sector personnel held a security roll call ahead of the arrival of the 2023 New Year on Saturday (31/12/2022) in the yard of Malang City Hall. Acting as the ceremony inspector was the Malang City Police Chief, Senior Commissioner Budi Hermanto.

Hundreds of cross-sector personnel hold a roll call at Malang City Hall to secure the 2023 New Year celebrations


In this assembly, the Buher Police Chief (Budi Hermanto_ed) read out the speech of the East Java Police Chief, Inspector General Pol. Toni Harmanto. He conveyed that in providing security, Polri members must be humanistic and remain vigilant against various threats of public order disturbances, such as terror and provocation.

Meanwhile, Head of Operations Section (Kabag Ops) of Malang City Police, Kompol Supiyan said that his party has prepared 800 personnel from various elements in securing this New Year's moment. Such as from the TNI-Polri, Satpol PP, Transportation Agency, community and Aremania.

Supiyan added that the personnel were spread to several places, especially in areas prone to congestion or mass gatherings to celebrate the New Year's moment. For example, the Malang Square area, Soekarno-Hatta Street, Kota Baru Station, Malang City Hall, and on Ijen Street.

"We urge the public not to be excessive when celebrating New Year, for example lighting fireworks in large numbers. We are also paying attention to New Year's celebrations in hotels. If they do not have a permit, they should not hold euphoria," he added.

A similar statement was also delivered by the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji. He appealed to the public to remain vigilant and to anticipate various things when there is a big celebration like this New Year. "Don't let irresponsible parties take advantage of this moment with reprehensible actions," he said. (say/ram)

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