Kedungkandang ( – During 2022, from a number of disasters that hit, floods and fallen trees still occurred a lot in Malang City. Several areas prone to flooding include the Sawojajar Village area, Bareng and the Soekarno-Hatta Street area. This was triggered by the increasingly narrow water channels caused by many buildings that violated the rules.

Head of BPBD Malang City, Prayitno

Not only drainage, many large rivers are also experiencing narrowing or shallowing. Such as the Brantas, Bango and Amprong Rivers, which are mostly caused by human activities. For example, the habit of throwing garbage and not maintaining the cleanliness of the river.
Meanwhile, the area prone to falling trees is in the Kedungkandang area, because until now many of the trees are very old and were triggered by strong winds.

Several things were conveyed by the Head of the Malang City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPDB), Drs. Prayitno, MAP when contacted via his cellphone, Wednesday (4/1/2023). In 2023, in order to continue to suppress disasters and minimize losses to residents, his party will increase coordination with various parties. Among them are BMKG, 57 resilient sub-districts and preparing personnel.

In addition, he said that BPBD has formed field posts placed in five sub-districts with 50 personnel. This team is also equipped with various equipment, such as tents for public kitchen needs, life jackets, helmets and others. "We also provide a risk map for disaster vulnerability mapping," Prayitno added.

He added, in the near future BPBD will also launch an application related to emergencies and can be used by the public. This application functions to report disaster events, losses and potential disasters. With this application, BPBD officers will be able to find out areas affected by disasters in a short time.

"We are currently also proposing additional equipment, such as donut boats and chainsaws. Hopefully it can be implemented soon, so that the personnel's work can be more optimal," Prayitno hoped.

For buildings that violate the rules, he explained that it would later become the domain of DPUPRPKP and Satpol PP to enforce their regional regulations. "We appeal to the public to pay attention to the rules and layout when they want to add buildings. Do not let it be on the riverbank or interfere with water channels so as not to trigger a disaster.

Likewise for now, because the weather is sometimes extreme, Prayitno reminded the public to always be vigilant. "In general, Malang City is still classified as a disaster-prone area so everyone is advised to always be vigilant," he concluded. (say/yon)

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