News Development and Environment

Cassiavera Farmer Group Learns Urban Farming Development at Dispangtan

Starfruit ( – The efforts of the Malang City Food Security and Agriculture Service (Dispangtan) to continue to intensify the urban farming system in Malang City continue to be welcomed. This time, the Cassiavera Tlogomas Farmer Group specifically came to the Malang City Dispangtan Office to learn how to plant food crops, Thursday (5/1/2023).

Cassiavera Farmer Group, Tlogomas Subdistrict while studying at the Malang City Agriculture Service

Head of Cassiavera Farmers Group, Gusti Fatmi Irawati, said that her party deliberately came to Dispangtan to learn how to plant food crops. According to her, this was done to complement the plants that have been cultivated in the Sustainable Food Yard (P2L) group which has so far been dominated by vegetables and fruits.

"By learning to plant food crops such as bentoel, sweet potatoes, cassava, and honey pumpkin in pots developed by Dispangtan, we want to be able to plant more in narrow areas but still get good results," said Gusti, Thursday (5/1/2023).

If that can be done, it will certainly increase the independence of Cassiavera Farmers Group members to meet their own needs and the rest can be sold. Moreover, in the Malang City Agriculture Service, it turns out that the planting medium is also developed using organic waste.

"We can also plant, with the method developed by Dispangtan we can reduce the volume of organic waste that is usually thrown in the trash, now it is used to fertilize plants," explained Gusti.

According to him, from studying directly at Dispangtan, his party now has additional knowledge to develop agriculture on narrow land and this is a valuable provision.

Meanwhile, Head of Dispangtan Malang City, Slamet Husnan Hariyadi, SP revealed that Dispangtan Malang City in 2023 will continue to develop urban farming. One of the priorities is the promotion of local non-rice food consumption.

"Dispangtan already has a demonstration plot (agricultural extension activity in a region) for developing non-rice food in narrow land, local residents can learn here. With the hope that in the future it will continue to be spread to all areas in Malang City," explained Slamet.

In 2023, Dispangtan also has various activities aimed at developing non-rice food crops in Malang City. Among them will hold a non-rice food processing competition in order to welcome the Anniversary of Malang City in April and welcome Krida Pertanian Day in June.

Regarding research and development of food crops such as sweet potatoes, cassava, bentoel, honey pumpkin in narrow land, said the Malang City Dispangtan Garden Team Tjutuk Harianto has been done. He said, just using pots, all plants can be cultivated and produce a fairly satisfactory harvest.

"For sweet potatoes with a pot size of 45 cm in diameter, from the trials we conducted, it can produce one to three kg of sweet potatoes per pot. This is certainly quite good to be developed in limited land," said Tjutuk.

Likewise, bentoel plants, honey pumpkin, cassava that were tested on land in the Malang City Dispangtan Office, turned out to be satisfactory. This is a valuable provision to be transmitted and developed throughout the Malang City area.

In addition to learning about food crops, at the Malang City Dispangtan Office, people can also learn about various other livestock and farming business developments. Among them are tilapia, catfish, hydroponics, potted fruit plant development (tabulampot), and others. (cah/yon)

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