Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) through the Malang City Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) held a Public Consultation Forum for the Draft Regional Development Plan 2024-2026 and the Initial Draft Work Plan for 2024 at the Savana Hotel, Wednesday (18/1/2022).

In the agenda attended by the Chairman of the Malang City DPRD I Made Riandiana Kartika, Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko, Regional Secretary of Malang Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT, regional apparatus ranks within the Malang City Government, and related invited guests, the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji presented the priority draft in eight development areas in 2024.
"First of course education, then health, economy, finance, social, technology, environment and infrastructure," explained Sutiaji.
The bespectacled man then detailed a number of priority agendas in the eight areas. Among them are improving teacher quality, inclusive education, improving health insurance and the quality of integrated health services.
Next, he also touched on the priority of strengthening the economy based on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and the creative economy, digitalization of taxes and levies, poverty alleviation, disaster mitigation, waste management, food security, integration of drainage networks, to the provision of basic needs for clean water and wastewater.
Sutiaji did not forget to remind his staff of the important messages conveyed by President Joko Widodo at the National Coordination Meeting of Regional Heads and Forkopimda in Jakarta on Wednesday (17/1/2023).
"In addition to expressing appreciation for the handling of Covid-19, the President underlined a number of issues. Including controlling inflation, extreme poverty, stunting, ease of doing business, bureaucracy and APBD, city planning and branding as well as political and security stability," he added.
According to him, all of this must be aligned with the development planning process, both in the context of preparing the 2024-2026 Regional Development Plan (RPD) document and the 2024 annual work plan document.
As is known, according to the mandate of the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction 52 of 2022, regions whose regional head's term of office ends in 2023 are required to prepare a RPD as a transitional document so that development can continue to run sustainably during the simultaneous General Election process which will be held in 2024.
In front of members of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (forkopimda) and all participants of the public consultation forum, Sutiaji invited all stakeholders to work together to strengthen independence and solidarity. "Let's strengthen independence and solidarity together to achieve progress and prosperity. This is the key," concluded Sutiaji. (ndu/yon)