Breadfruit ( – The Malang City Communication and Information Service (Diskominfo) held the second phase of Journalism and Citizen Reporter Training at the Ijen Suites Hotel, Malang City, Tuesday (28/2/2023).

Head of Communication and Public Information (KIP) of Malang City Communication and Information Office Ismintarti, SP revealed that according to data from Unesco, Indonesian people's interest in reading is still concerning, only 0,001 percent. This means that out of a thousand Indonesians, only one person is found to be diligent in reading.
"From this reality, of course, a way is needed to invite the public to enjoy reading. One of the backgrounds for today's activities is from that background," explained Ismintarti, Tuesday (28/2/2023).
The woman in hijab added that literacy in reading is not only interpreted as reading texts. But the ability to examine information, whether it is a hoax and needs validation of the truth of the information is still low so that it is still a shared homework (PR).
To improve the literacy of the people of Malang City in reading and other skills, throughout 2023, the Malang City Communication and Information Service will also carry out various activities, including MC and Protocol training and social media management training.
"This citizen journalistic activity was attended by 188 participants divided into two stages, where each stage was attended by 94 participants," explained Atik, as she is familiarly called.
He further said that this was a proposal from the Village Musrenbang and the Thematic Musrenbang for Youth and Disabilities. So this is one form of musrenbang proposed by each region and youth organization.
Meanwhile, the Expert Staff for Development, People's Welfare and Human Resources of the Malang City Regional Secretariat, Drs. Alie Mulyanto, MM in his speech gave his appreciation because what Diskominfo did was something extraordinary.
According to him, through this activity, the public will know and be invited to think smartly in choosing and sorting various information available so as not to be fooled by hoax news that is currently widely circulating. "This training is extraordinary, we hope that all participants can follow it well and carefully," Alie hoped.
In the era of technological, information and communication developments like today, everyone has technological advances such as gadgets to get all the information they need. "The Communication and Information Service provides education to become reporters for citizens, this is very good. Because in an era that is already so advanced, everyone can become a reporter," he added further.
In order to be a good reporter, Alie said of course one must have honesty, actuality and what is. "From activities like this will be a real form of Kominfo's contribution to together educate the public, and together advance the beloved city of Malang," he concluded. (cah/yon)