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Flood of Participants, Malang Mayor's Cup Karate Championship Takes Place Fiercely

Kedungkandang ( – The enthusiasm of the Karate Championship participants 'Festival and Open Tournament'The Malang Mayor's Cup held at the Ken Arok Sports Arena (GOR) Malang City starting today, Saturday (4/3/2023) to Sunday (5/3/2023) is very high.

Karate Championship 'Festival and Open Tournament' Malang Mayor's Cup

This can be seen from the number of participants reaching 2.700 karate athletes from various regions who took part in the fierce competition to be the best.

The General Chairperson of the Indonesian Karate Federation (FORKI) of Malang City, Supardi, expressed his surprise at the high enthusiasm of the participants in the Malang Mayor's Cup Karate Championship this time.

"Not only from East Java, participants who took part in the championship also came from Yogyakarta, Bali, NTB to NTT," explained Supardi, Saturday (4/3/2023).

Supardi admitted that the large number of participants in this championship will greatly benefit the city of Malang, which is currently preparing athletes from various age groups.

Through this event, he said, Malang City athletes with potential can also see their development as preparation for later participating in the National Student Sports Olympiad (O2SN) or facing the Provincial Sports Week.

"We also deliberately held a championship for early ages and beginners, this was intended to hone the children's courage to perform," said Supardi.

At the opening of the Malang Mayor's Cup Karate Championship, the FORKI Malang City management for the 2023-2027 period was also officially inaugurated.

"The presence of the General Chairperson of FORKI East Java, the Chairperson of the Malang City DPRD, and the Head of the Malang City Disporapar further increases our enthusiasm to continue to foster and advance karate in Malang City," said Supardi.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Youth, Sports and Tourism Agency (Disporapar) of Malang City, Baihaqi, S.Pd, SE, M.Si admitted that he was proud that FORKI Malang City held the Malang Mayor's Cup Karate Championship which certainly stimulated the spirit of karate sports development in Malang City.

"Hopefully, this event can produce strong karatekas so that in the future they can make Malang City proud, both at the national and international levels from the karate sport," Baihaqi hoped. (cah/yon)

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