Law, Politics, and Government

Inviting to Maintain Conduciveness, This is the Message from the Mayor of Malang

Klojen ( – Ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijriah, on April 22-23, 2023, the Mayor of Malang invited various parties to continue to maintain conduciveness, especially the possibility that the implementation of Eid al-Fitr prayers will not be simultaneous between Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). If that does happen, then all parties must remain calm and respect each other.

Mayor of Malang Sutiaji together with the Malang City Police Chief and the Dandim 0833 Malang City took a group photo after the Coordination Meeting for the Readiness of Operation Ketupat Semeru 2023

The statement was delivered by the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji, in the Coordination Meeting for the Readiness of Operation Ketupat Semeru 2023 at the Sanika Satyawada Ballroom, Malang City Police, Thursday (13/4/2023). According to him, there should be no anti-establishment parties taking advantage of or fishing in troubled waters just because of the difference in days when performing Eid prayers, because basically there is no problem between Muhammadiyah and NU.

Regarding this, Mayor Sutiaji said that until now Malang City is considered a city with absolute security, because the seeds of radicalism and terrorism continue to haunt. If we trace back, the Bali bombing incident was said to still be related to Malang City, where one of the perpetrators initially stayed overnight in the Bukit Tidar area. ISIS also declared in Malang City which continued in the Dau area, Malang Regency.

Furthermore, the number one person in the Malang City Government explained that Malang City, which is labeled the City of Education, is inhabited by hundreds of thousands of students who can also be one of the fields for the entry of radicalism and terrorism. As is the case with the many students whose religious understanding is low and added to the advancement of information technology.

Likewise, when commemorating Eid al-Fitr, Sutiaji advised that residents who usually burn firecrackers should not do so anymore. Given that some time ago in Blitar Regency and Malang Regency firecrackers had claimed lives and property.

From a number of these incidents, in addition to intensifying joint prevention efforts with the TNI-Polri, Sutiaji also ordered the RT, RW, Lurah and Camat heads to monitor their environments, especially those inhabited by many boarding house children. If there are suspicious things, they must be followed up immediately. "Maintaining this conduciveness is our shared responsibility, not just the security forces and local government," he said.

A similar statement was delivered by the Malang City Police Chief, Senior Commissioner Budi Hermanto. He said that his party will synergize with various elements of society, such as youth, community and religious organizations to realize a safe and peaceful Malang City.

In addition, his party will also anticipate various criminal acts such as drug trafficking, liquor, firecrackers and motorcycle theft. (say/yon)

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