Surabaya ( – The Malang City Government's (Pemkot) innovation in planning has again received appreciation from the East Java Provincial Government. In 2023, the Malang City Government again won the 2023 East Java Provincial Regional Development Award (PPD) as the Second Best City.

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa submitted the 2023 PPD in conjunction with the implementation of the 2024 East Java Provincial Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang) which was held at the Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya, Thursday (13/4/2023).
The awards were given to three cities and three regencies in East Java. For the best city category, Pasuruan City won, followed by Malang City, then in third place was Kediri City. Meanwhile, Lamongan Regency became the Best Regency I, Situbondo Regency in second place, and Trenggalek Regency in third place for the Regency category.
For information, regional development planning itself is a process of compiling stages of activities that involve various stakeholder elements in order to optimize the utilization and allocation of resources in order to improve the welfare of the community in a regional or area environment.
For Malang City, in 2023 it carries the theme of Malang Heritage Activation through Kayutangan Heritage which was presented directly by the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji at the Bappeda of East Java Province some time ago. This presentation is an assessment stage that must be passed in this PPD.
In his presentation, Mayor Sutiaji presented the concept, stages and preparation of the RKPD, to the innovation of the Kayutangan area in detail able to meet the assessment qualifications. Primarily related to the output and outcome resulting from the change of the Kayutangan area into a heritage area.
This achievement is certainly in line with the current picture of Kayutangan. Since being renovated into a heritage area, this area has become a favorite tourist destination that attracts many tourists, as well as becoming an icon of Malang City's branding as a heritage tourist city.
Met after the event, Malang Mayor Sutiaji said that the achievement of the Second Best City in the 2023 PPD assessment was proof that the Kayutangan area as a heritage tourism area was on the right development direction so that the results could be accepted and recognized.
According to him, the concept developed in Kayutangan is in accordance with the objectives expected from PPD, especially regarding the impacts resulting from development so as to provide extraordinary stimulus for the region.
"Alhamdulillah, once again the achievements of PPD that we have achieved are truly in accordance with the existing facts. Development in Kayutangan is indeed expected to boost tourism in Malang City. And the direction of this development is right, the proof can be seen for yourself how Kayutangan is now," he explained.
This concept, he conveyed, is certainly in line with the goals intended in the PPD. "It means how the impact is given, and God willing, there are many positive impacts, socially, economically everything is measurable and everything is positive and good for the region," Sutiaji continued.
The number one person in the Malang City Government also spoke about the inclusive and sustainable context. He said that in the future the development of the Kayutangan area and its surroundings will continue to be carried out. He is sure that by adopting the inclusive and sustainable concept, Kayutangan will further strengthen its position as a heritage icon in Malang City.
"The arrangement of a region cannot be partial, cannot be half-hearted, it must be inclusive and sustainable. The results are already good, but need to be improved further. In the future we will maximize it again, there are several development plans prepared to support and strengthen the potential of Malang City as a heritage city," explained Sutiaji.
Meanwhile, Head of Bappeda Malang City Dwi Rahayu, SH, M.Hum when confirmed said that the success of Malang City in achieving another achievement in PPD 2023 was thanks to the cooperation of various parties. Dwi said that the selection of the theme carrying the activation of Malang heritage was indeed based on the development of the Kayutangan area, the success of which was measured.
He also confirmed Mayor Sutiaji's statement about the sustainability of the Kayutangan area and its surroundings. He said that in the future, several plans were prepared, namely further development covering the station corridor, Malang City Hall, Jalan Kahuripan, Pecinan and Kauman. In addition, Kayutangan metaverse is also being carried out in collaboration with academics, creative destinations, cross-selling and protection of cultural heritage areas. (hms/yon)