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Pertamina Malang Ready to Meet Fuel and LPG Needs During Eid al-Fitr

Breadfruit ( – Pertamina Malang is ready to fulfill and serve the needs of Fuel Oil (BBM) and LPG in the context of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijriah. This was conveyed by Sales Branch Manager Rayon I Malang Raya PT Pertamina Fuel Terminal Malang, Ahmad Ubaidillah Maksum when receiving the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji together with the ranks of Forkopimda and the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) in order to monitor the prices and availability of basic necessities and BBM at the Pertamina Fuel Terminal Office, Jalan Halmahera No. 13 Malang, Thursday (13/4/2024).

Mayor of Malang Sutiaji (wearing a batik cap) took a group photo after a dialogue at the Pertamina Depot in Malang

Ubaidillah explained that for the needs and stocks of fuel and LPG in Malang Raya during Ramadhan and ahead of Eid al-Fitr, his party predicted that for Gasoline fuel, Pertalite there would be an increase of 15 percent, Pertamax 15 percent and Pertamax Turbo is predicted to be even greater, namely 18 percent.
"For Dexlite type fuel there is an increase of 11 percent, Pertamina Dex 14 percent while bio solar is predicted to decrease by up to seven percent. Last year for Pertalite we predicted around 10 percent in the last seven days before Lebaran, peaking on the night before Lebaran, and this year we predict more. Then for non-subsidized and subsidized LPG it is estimated to increase by seven percent," he explained.

Regarding the distribution channels of BBM and LPG in Malang City, there are 23 gas stations in Malang City, 13 of which sell subsidized diesel. Then there are six Pertashops in Malang City that are already operating and there will be an additional Pertashop approaching Eid al-Fitr, namely on Jl. Bondowoso in the Gadingkasri area.

"Then we also have two SPBE in Malang City, namely in Sukun District (one with the Fuel Terminal complex) and in Kedungkandang District. In addition, it is also backed up by SPBE in Malang Regency. We also have 20 3kg LPG Agents and 8 NPSO LPG Agents to serve the needs of 3kg, 5,5kg, 12kg and 50kg LPG in Malang City. In Malang City there are a total of 724 3kg LPG Bases and they also sell non-subsidized ones," explained Ubaidillah.

Meanwhile, regarding the fuel stock as of April 13, 2023 for Pertalite 3.489 Kilo Liters (KL), Pertamax 627 KL, Px Turbo 60 KL stock at gas stations. While for LPG stock as of April 13, it was 241 tons. Every day there is a fuel shipment via RTW Train to Malang Fuel Terminal and LPG shipment via Tanker Truck from the BBM/LPG Terminal in Surabaya. There are several gas stations that are also supplied directly from the Surabaya BBM Terminal.

"The additional services and coordination carried out by the Pertamina fuel terminal in the context of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr (RAFI) 1444 H formed a RAFI task force team from April 1 to May 1, 2023. The Task Force Team monitors the conditions of gas stations, SPBE, Pertashop, LPG agents, LPG bases and other Pertamina services during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr," he added.

Then the second will be prepared three motorcyclists in Malang City who are on standby at Jl. Ciliwung gas station, Tlogomas gas station and COCO Langsep gas station. Third, security and priority will be given to the delivery of fuel and LPG, while to anticipate congestion and accelerate the distribution of fuel and LPG, priority will be given to the delivery of fuel and LPG to the Malang Raya area. If necessary, an escort will be carried out together with the local police.

"For the fourth, our addition is to prepare Modular BBM at the Rest Area Tol KM 84 A Singosari before entering Malang Raya and the operation of a new gas station at KM 84 B. And the last one we are also ready if needed for the operation of the 3kg LPG market if there is a fluctuation in the need and price of 3kg and non-subsidized LPG," he concluded. (yul/yon)

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