Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – If you have plans to travel to Malang City via Malang Kota Baru Station, there's nothing wrong with starting your culinary tour by eating Soto Basket Stasiun in a row of food stalls on the left side of the Kota Baru Station exit. It's not difficult to find and recognize this stall, because it has a large bright yellow sign, and the crowds of visitors enjoying the dishes at this stall.

Warung Soto Basket Stasiun is indeed the main choice for travelers when they set foot in Malang City. Tiredness when traveling far feels right if relieved with a warm bowl of Soto Basket's signature beef soto. The tender meat also makes it easy for us to bite into it. Following the current term, it is right if beef soto is called comfort food.
The name Soto Basket itself is not something foreign to the ears of Malang City residents. This stall has been around since 1944, although its location is not at Kota Baru Station as it is today. Initially, this stall was located in the heart of the city which is now Gajahmada Plaza which used to have a basketball court. This is where the name Soto Basket originated.
"In the past, when there were people playing basketball, they liked to bet, the loser had to treat the winner to eat soto. From there, the name became famous as Soto Basket," said Rika, the owner of the stall who is also the daughter of the founder of Soto Basket.
Previously, Soto Basket Stasiun stall only provided beef soto menu to its customers. However, now there are more variants of other menus served to customers. Even so, the beef soto menu remains the favorite of customers because this menu is what makes Soto Basket famous.
"For soto, beef can be up to five kilograms a day. For meat for rawon and krengsengan, it's probably half that," he explained.
In addition to beef soto, this stall also provides another signature menu, namely nasi krengsengan which is also very delicious. The large pieces of meat are a bonus when you see this dish served in front of your eyes.
For the price, just like beef soto which one portion is Rp15.000,-, a plate of krengsengan rice also costs Rp15.000,00. For other menus, the price is more or less the same, starting from Rp13.000,- to Rp20.000,- only.
Rika said, other than Eid day, this stall does not know the word holiday and remains open from 06.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB. Rika said her stall usually becomes more crowded during the end-of-year holiday season, because some of her father's regular customers who now live abroad often stop by when on vacation in Malang City. (iu/yon)