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This is the Mayor of Malang's Hope for the Malang Raya PWI Mappilu

Malang (malangkota.go.id) – The Head of the East Java Election Monitoring Society and Press (Mappilu), Mahmud Suhermono inaugurated 24 Malang Raya Mappilu PWI Administrators, Wednesday (10/5/2023). Similar inaugurations were previously carried out in Lamongan Regency and Tuban Regency. In carrying out its duties, Mappilu PWI continues to synergize with the local Regional General Election Commission (KPUD) and Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu).

After the inauguration, Mahmud said that even as a member of Mappilu, in writing news, they still refer to the journalistic code of ethics. "Mappilu only carries out its duties as a monitor, and if there are indications or findings of election violations, it will still be reported to Bawaslu as the executor," he explained.

Mahmud added, earlier there was a directive from the Mayor of Malang that there were overlapping areas, that also had to be a concern. Don't let the constitutional rights of citizens as voters be lost. "And from experience, residents whose residences overlap between Malang City and Batu City or Malang Regency. So this is what must be watched out for immediately," explained Mahmud.

The presence of Mappilu PWI Malang Raya was welcomed by the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji. He said that the press is one of the strengths of democracy and its existence and active role will also provide education to the community. "So Mappilu must also provide political education and literacy, so that the community is no longer allergic to the world of politics," he added.

"The media is one of the pillars of democracy that we still have a lot of hope for. This media can see, can provide input and provide lipri or censure when there are violations. Hopefully, this will be a strength and make this democracy a quality one. So that the products of this democracy can be felt in the next five years," said Sutiaji.

The existence of Mappilu PWI Malang Raya, said the bespectacled man, is expected to also give birth to a clean, honest, just and dignified democracy. Mappilu must stand on the interests of the people and uphold social justice for all people. "Thus, it will later give birth to national leaders who are moral, trustworthy and in accordance with the people's hopes," he concluded. (say/yon)

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