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Recycled Fashion Competition Enlivens Malang Creativa #2

Klojen (malangkota.goi.id) – One of the competitions that enlivened the Malang Creativa #2 series was the Recycled Fashion Competition. Dozens of designers and fashion models participated in the competition held in front of Malang City Hall, Saturday (13/5/2023).

Recycled Fashion Design Competition

This competition is one of the agendas of Malang Creativa #2 because Malang City is known as a creative city, one of which is in the field of fashion. "To find new potential in the world of fashion in Malang City through innovations that have high aesthetic value, as well as providing knowledge about the importance of preserving the surrounding environment," explained the Head of Disporapar Malang City, Baihaqi.

The Recycled Fashion Competition was attended by the general public of various ages, from children to mothers, students to communities. For the assessment of the work, the jury emphasized the suitability of the work with the theme of the 109th Anniversary of Malang City, namely Independent, Resilient, and Sustainable. In addition, innovation, creativity, and the value of the benefits of recycled products are also assessment criteria.

One of the interesting designs is the work of students of SMK Negeri 7 Malang City. This creative fashion work is inspired by the 'identity' of Malang City. It shows typical icons of Malang City such as a monument designed for a headdress and typical icons of the Kayutangan corridor.

"We made this design because we wanted to reflect the charm of Malang City. What is identical to Malang City we apply in this clothing. So people recognize the icons of Malang City," said Putri Sari Agustini, one of the design team of students of SMKN 7.

These fashion ornaments made from plastic bags, styrofoam, and scraps of fabric were made together for approximately one week by a team of designers from State Vocational School 7, Malang City, consisting of Saila Silvania Putri, Erisa Dewi, Maya, and Putri Sari Agustini.

Malang Creativa #2, held to commemorate the 109th anniversary of Malang City, was filled with various activities that attracted the enthusiasm of the community. Starting from the meatball festival, traditional sports competitions, the pencak dor festival, to the lantern festival. Also combined with a tumpeng parade which was finally enjoyed together with the community in front of Malang City Hall. (ari/yon)

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