Surabaya ( – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) has again made an achievement. This time, the Malang City Government won first place in the category of district/city governments with the most transactions in utilizing goods/services procurement through East Java Online Shopping (Jatim Bejo) in the 2022 E-Purchasing Awards of the East Java Provincial Government.

This award was presented directly by the Governor of East Java, Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa to the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji in Surabaya, Monday (29/5/2023).
The Malang City Government is recorded to have made transactions with Jatim Bejo worth IDR 67.082.500.435,00 in 2022. This value is far above Kediri City and Malang Regency as second and third place with a total transaction value in the range of IDR 35 billion and IDR 21 billion.
Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji expressed his pride in the achievement that was once again achieved by Malang City. This achievement is a motivation for Malang City to continue to strengthen the procurement of goods and services electronically. The use of this application will certainly be a lever for the movement of the MSME economy through government procurement of goods/services.
"In addition to prioritizing transparent transactions, this is also a manifestation of the Malang City Government's commitment to prioritizing local MSME products for the procurement of goods and services. Moreover, this is also a form of MSME digitalization. Hopefully, it will provide strengthening for MSMEs and ultimately provide a domino effect of strengthening the economy of Malang City," said Mayor Sutiaji.
Meanwhile, Head of Procurement Services (BLP), Eko Setyo Mahanani, ST, MT said that online procurement of goods/services would certainly be more transparent. "We are trying to get regional devices to transact online to reduce errors during the implementation of activities with tenders," he said.
Eko said that the largest number of transactions in the procurement of goods/services was for food and beverages (mamin), which was recorded as having a share of up to 60 percent of the total transactions.
Not only with transactions through Jatim Bejo, efforts to strengthen the digitalization of the procurement process of goods/services in Malang City are also carried out by using a local e-catalog. As of May 29, 2023, the local e-catalog of Malang City has displayed 39 display cases with 10.510 products. Transactions that have been recorded as many as 602 times worth IDR 52,626 billion since its launch in November 2022. (ari/yon)