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Violating Regional Regulations, Officers Clean Up Street Vendors in Cemorokandang

Kedungkandang ( – A number of personnel from the Malang City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) together with cross-sector officers carried out control of seven street vendors (PKL) stalls in the RW 2 area of ​​Cemorokandang Village, Kedungkandang District that violated the rules, Thursday (8/6/2023).

A number of Satpol PP personnel together with cross-sector officers carried out control of seven street vendors' stalls in the RW 2 area of ​​Cemorokandang Village.

This regulation refers to the Regional Regulation (Perda) of Malang City Number 2 of 2012, article 21 concerning Public Order and the Environment, that public facilities are prohibited without permission from the Mayor of Malang. The regulation process that was carried out has certainly gone through a long process.

This was conveyed by the Head of Public Order and Security (KKU) of the Malang City Satpol PP, Rahmat Hidayat, when met at the location of the clean-up, Thursday (8/6/2023). Previously, he said that mediation had been carried out with the relevant parties, then warnings, reprimands were given, and finally executed.

"So actually this has been going on for a long time, starting in December 2021 based on reports that there were public facilities being utilized by street vendors. Finally, we investigated the land status. Then, we conducted mediation, because the street vendors claimed to have been placed by the developers," explained Rahmad.

Then in early 2022, the bespectacled man said that the developer admitted that he had not handed over the Infrastructure, Facilities, and Utilities (PSU). "Finally we sent a letter to BKAD and DPUPRPKP, it turned out that this asset had been handed over in 2002, it had been handed over a long time ago. Finally we invited everyone," he explained.

The agreement from the street vendors was that they would relocate the place, if ordered by the developer. So, in December 2022, the street vendors were gathered to dismantle themselves within a period of two months.

"At that time we asked that by February 1, 2023 the place must be clean. But, in reality it was not. Finally, we took steps according to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), we gave a warning. We have given a warning, they did not want to. So today's execution took place according to the SOP," he added.

Then, he said that the cleanup was carried out on seven existing street vendors. All those involved and interested have been mediated, and it is clear. However, there was still a debate when it was executed.

"The main thing is that there is a complaint and it is clear between the complainant, the reporter, the street vendors, the developer, the village head, and the sub-district head. All have been met, we have done everything," explained Rahmad.

When asked about the relocation of places for street vendors, according to him, it is not the authority of the Malang City Satpol PP, because its main task and function is only to regulate. After the regulation was carried out, the location of the street vendors was immediately planted with trees by officers from the Environmental Service (DLH).

"Yes, we immediately planted it for greening so that it is not occupied by irresponsible parties and those without authority. For the umpteenth time we appeal to residents or street vendors not to sell in inappropriate places," concluded Rahmad. (say/yon)

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