Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – To prevent LPG shortages, especially 3kg cylinders, the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) appealed to agents not to sell LPG to middlemen, because their sales cannot be ascertained and are feared to be off-target.
This means, it is feared that it is not for the poor and is actually sold to industries with a turnover of more than Rp1 million/day. 3kg LPG cylinders are subsidized LPG from the government and it is also feared that there will be hoarding.
At least that is what the Head of the Economic, Infrastructure and Natural Resources (PISDA) Section of the Malang City Regional Secretariat, Eny Handayani, said on Friday (9/6/2023) after conducting monitoring and evaluation of the availability of 3kg LPG stock at a number of agents and bases.
These various anticipations are also in line with news and reports from a media that said that in the past few days there has been a shortage of 3kg LPG. "Today we checked the field and the results are that there are no problems, either in terms of stock or price," Eny said.
In addition to the above, this bespectacled woman also appealed to business actors whose turnover is above Rp1 million/day not to use 3kg LPG. "During the inspection earlier, we found it at a restaurant on Jalan Sigura-gura. So officers from TPID, namely from Pertamina, immediately exchanged it with 5,5kg LPG," she explained.
"For the two empty 3kg LPG cylinders, they were exchanged for one 5,5kg LPG cylinder by adding Rp100 thousand. We hope that other business actors can follow this step by contacting the nearest agent or directly to Pertamina," Eny explained.
What is also interesting, this friendly woman revealed that what one of the agents in front of Kasin Market, namely agent Pak Bambang, did was correct. He implemented a record or everyone who buys LPG is required to fill in a book. "It's like a guest book, and this is worth emulating, so that consumers or buyers are indeed the ones who are entitled or right on target," she said.
"In the future, we will implement the use of the Population Identification Number (NIK) KTP so that buyers of 3kg LPG are also truly recorded. This is the result of the TPID agreement, especially Pertamina. Pertamina is also currently preparing supporting facilities and infrastructure," concluded Eny. (say/yon)