News Law, Politics, and Government

Mayor Sutiaji Reveals Criteria for Leaders Needed by the People

Klojen ( – As a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) must continue to provide the best to the community. On the other hand, the role of ASN is very vital along with the development of information technology and the criticality of society towards various things that happen around them.

This was conveyed by the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji when leading the morning assembly of the Malang City Government ranks in the front yard of Malang City Hall, Monday (19/6/2023). Meanwhile, he said that the progress of a region is also determined by its leader or regional head.

"This is also based on a dissertation from the University of Indonesia and Brawijaya University Malang on public service and the success of a regional government, that a leader must have a firm and detailed soul in leading," he added.

Concretely, the bespectacled man said that currently a leader is needed who has detailed abilities and competencies. A leader must understand the problems that occur in the field, at the structural level and in society. "It must be realized that any problem is dynamic, not static, so it must be addressed and controlled immediately," he explained.

The number one person in the Malang City Government also said that several things also apply to all ASN because basically everyone is a leader and later their leadership will be held accountable. "The government must be present when needed by the community," said Sutiaji.

"If some of these things are done, then the level of public trust in the government or the state will continue to increase. Who does what, must be clear and detailed. What it is, must be detailed what is done and who, must understand what their duties and functions are," he explained.

On this occasion, Sutiaji also expressed his gratitude to his staff for their performance and various achievements so far. "Let's continue to improve synergy, collaboration and innovation in working. Whoever becomes the leader later, let's give our best," he concluded. (say/yon)

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