Malang ( – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) through the Malang City Communication and Information Service (Diskominfo) is conducting outreach text to speech feature to several blind people with disabilities in Klojen District and Blimbing District, Malang City, Wednesday (21/6/2023).

Head of the Malang City Communication and Informatics Service (Diskominfo), Muhammad Nur Widianto, S.Sos, revealed that this breakthrough is to support increasingly excellent and inclusive public information disclosure services.
"Since August 2022, the Communication and Information Service has been socializing the text to speech feature that has been installed at This is in order to improve the quality of information services in Malang City which are increasingly prime and inclusive," explained the man who is familiarly called Wiwid.
He explained that the purpose of this socialization is to introduce the text to speech feature or the feature to change text to voice to friends with disabilities, especially the blind, so that it can make it easier for people with disabilities to access public information on the website
"This text to speech system can convert from simple text, news, articles, to website content into audio form. The use of this text to speech feature aims to make it easier for people with disabilities, especially the partially blind, to access content on the website The hope is that all Indonesian people without exception can access public information," Wiwid hoped.
The Malang City Government is also committed to continuing to make efforts to improve every aspect of public information services. Starting from updating regulations, strengthening human resources to fulfilling facilities and infrastructure. All parties synergize in overseeing the openness of public information towards an informative Malang City.
Socialization is carried out by officers using a door-to-door system, visiting the homes of people with disabilities, especially those with partial blindness.
One of the members of the Indonesian Blind Association (Pertuni) of Malang City, Ananta welcomed the innovation positively. According to him, this feature can make it easier for them, considering that previously they had difficulty in finding out information on policies, programs and activities organized by the Malang City Government.
"Hopefully in the future, Malang City Government can continue to improve the inclusiveness of services in the field of public services and facilitate bureaucracy for friends with disabilities," he concluded. (yul/yon)