Starfruit ( – Public Safety Center (PSC) 119 Malang City is exactly six years old this year. PSC 119 is here to provide integrated emergency medical services based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health (Permenkes) Number 19 of 2016. Marking the anniversary of PSC 119 Malang City, the Malang City Health Office held a commemoration of the 6th anniversary of PSC Malang City at the Atria Hotel, Tuesday (27/6/2023).

Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji appreciated the extraordinary performance of PSC 119, especially in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. "Thank you for the work of PSC so far. Thank you for the collaboration with the hospital, hopefully it will be strengthened," he said.
The bespectacled man also invited all parties to improve public health literacy. This is important to do to improve the quality of public health. In addition to physical health, spiritual health must also be maintained. Moreover, currently there are social and psychological diseases that are starting to increase, especially in urban areas, including Malang City.
"I ask the Health Office to take anticipatory steps. There are already 600 people registered for consultation in Malang City. Those who are aware that they are sick, but many are not open, so there are many suicides. So we need to handle this together, because this is a problem for all of us. Physically healthy, but mentally ill. Later we will ask for data not only based on health centers but from all health service facilities, so that we can carry out certain treatments," he explained.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Malang City Health Office, Dr. Husnul Muarif, said that this activity was also attended by general hospitals, clinics, PMI, and volunteers. In addition to commemorating the 6th anniversary of PSC 119, this activity is also a forum to strengthen collaboration between related parties in the context of emergency services.
"We also want to synergize pre-hospital activities so that later it can reduce the number of disabilities and mortality. We synergize in the Integrated Emergency Service System (SPGDT) which we also synchronize with the Integrated Referral System (Sisrute). Alhamdulillah in Malang City, almost 95 percent of hospitals have implemented Sisrute," explained Husnul.
In addition, the Malang City Health Office also coordinates with the PSC in Malang Regency and Batu City. The hope is that SPGDT can run more optimally in providing health services to the community. On this occasion, the Malang City Health Office also gave awards to the hospitals that organize SPGDT in Malang City, namely Saiful Anwar Hospital and Hermina Tangkuban Perahu Hospital. (ari/yon)