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Improve Parking, Transportation Agency Holds Parking Attendant Development Activities

Starfruit ( – Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji attended and opened the Parking Attendant (Jukir) Development activity held by the Malang City Transportation Agency (Dishub) at the Atria Hotel, Malang City, Monday (17/7/2023). The development which was attended by 500 parking attendants throughout Malang City was held for five days starting today, Monday (17/7/2023) to Friday (22/7/2023).

Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji attended the Parking Attendant (Jukir) Development activity

In his speech, Malang Mayor Sutiaji said that this coaching needs to be done as a response to the aspirations of the community regarding parking and to improve services so that residents can feel comfortable.

"These parking attendants help us in terms of income and also in maintaining order. So it is necessary to carry out routine coaching, because maintaining order must be done," he said.

The bespectacled man said that the improvement of parking services in Malang City could continue to be done. Related to this, Sutiaji said that the Malang City Government will continue to strive to periodically update the parking system in Malang City, including in terms of equalizing the electronic parking system (e-parking).

According to him, in relation to this change, the Malang City Government prefers to use subtle methods, which although it is felt to take a long time, are considered more appropriate because they are able to minimize the occurrence of conflict.

“Every update actually has two paths, using evolution or revolution. Well, we will use the smooth one but hopefully it can be implemented. It just takes a long time. But if you want the time to be fast, use a revolution. Massively, but it will definitely get a lot of responses. We take the evolution one, slowly and minimize conflict. Improvement first, and later we will make regulations,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Malang City Transportation Agency, Drs. R. Widjaja Saleh Putra said that this coaching activity was carried out to foster a spirit of service among parking attendants in Malang City. With good and orderly service from parking attendants, it is hoped that it will also be able to increase the public's desire to park in an orderly manner which is also expected to be able to increase the income of parking attendants and boost the PAD of Malang City through parking levies.

"Later, drivers who park here will find it easier to pay their parking fees, which will also have an impact on their income and PAD from this levy," he said.

Widjaja said that Malang City currently has 680 parking spots managed by the Transportation Agency. From these parking spots, the Malang City Government earned revenue of Rp9.616.815.000,00 from a target of Rp12.000.000.000 in 2022. Meanwhile, in 2023, the Malang City Government is targeting revenue of Rp12.100.000.000,00. It was recorded that until mid-year, the total revenue received from parking was Rp5.505.787.000,00.

In addition, the man who is familiarly called Jaya revealed that Malang City is currently preparing a Draft Regional Regulation (Ranperda) on Parking Implementation. Currently, the Draft Regional Regulation has been processed and is scheduled to be discussed by the DPRD in September. (iu/yon)

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