Children News Education

Through Jarik Ma' Siti, Realizing the Commitment to Inclusive Education in Malang City

Kedungkandang ( – The selection stage of the 2023 Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) continues. After going through the presentation and interview stages on Friday (7/7/2023), Jarik Ma' Siti as a superior innovation from Malang City has now entered the Field Verification and Observation stage. This field verification was carried out by the Independent Panelist Team (TPI) online and was directly connected to teaching and learning activities at SMPN 10 Malang City, Tuesday (25/7/2023).

This field verification was carried out by the Independent Panelist Team (TPI) for the 2023 Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) online.

The Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji, was present on this occasion and directly accompanied the verification and field observation process. The Mayor of Malang, Sutiaji, seemed to mingle and interact with the students who were taking part in learning using the Jarik Ma' Siti method. In addition to the application of learning methods in the classroom, activities outside the classroom were also shown to the panelists. A number of students were seen decorating tart cakes, making Malangan masks and ecoprint batik.

In his dialogue with the Panelist Team, Mayor Sutiaji explained that the Malang City Government is committed to providing inclusive education as a form of equal distribution of educational services for the entire community, including special children.

"We have established an inclusive city, so that there is no discrimination in providing education. We do not spread these special children to special schools, they can also be in regular junior high schools. But we provide every educator with learning through Jarik Ma' Siti, because psychologically special children must receive equal education," he said, Tuesday (25/7/2023).

The innovation of Jarik Ma' Siti as an adaptive learning innovation for special children, explained the Mayor of Malang, has been able to be replicated in all State Junior High Schools in Malang City, a number of Private Junior High Schools, and schools from other cities/regencies. "Moreover, this innovation is easy and very relevant to be replicated to bridge inclusive education, especially in regular schools that have special students without Classroom Assistant Teachers," he said.

Furthermore, the number one person in the Malang City Government said that the Jarik Ma' Siti innovation is one of the manifestations of the Malang City Government's attention to the needs of vulnerable groups such as special children. "Regarding Jarik Ma' Siti, this is linear with what was initiated at the beginning. We have the belief that children have potential. God is Most Just, everyone has special abilities. And we can help develop these potentials," he explained.

Therefore, the bespectacled man asked that all educators and teachers become facilitators and motivators so that special children can develop their potential.
"I emphasize to educators and teachers that you are facilitators, motivators, so that children rise with the potential given by God," he said.

For information, Jarik Ma'Siti itself has been selected as the Top 99 Public Service Innovations throughout Indonesia which is currently in the selection process towards the Top 45 Public Service Innovations 2023. The verification and field observation stages were carried out so that the judges could get a complete picture of the implementation of the innovations proposed by each region. A total of 20 innovations were selected by the Independent Panel Team (TPI) to take part in the verification and field observation stages on July 24-25, 2023. Then in the next stage, TPI will hold a hearing to determine the Top Commendable Innovations.

Apart from the 2023 Public Service Innovation Competition, the Mayor of Malang also appreciated the performance of the teachers and education staff. He said that the Jarik Ma' Siti innovation would make Malang City proud. Moreover, this learning innovation has provided extraordinary benefits. "Don't be satisfied with the results, but we must continue to improve our efforts and determination. Don't race on how many champions will be achieved, but our steps are what show how benefits we will provide to the wider community. Keep up the spirit!" he said encouragingly. (sfr/yon)

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