Law, Politics, and Government

Two Candidates for Acting Mayor of Malang Resign, Council Extends Recruitment Period

Klojen ( – As the term of office of the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji and Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko is about to end on September 24, 2023, the Malang City DPRD has selected five Malang City Government officials who are considered to meet the requirements to become the acting Mayor of Malang in the future.

Chairman of the Malang City DPRD I Made Riandiana Kartika

The five candidates are Malang City Regional Secretary Erik Setyo Santoso, Head of the Malang City Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) Handi Priyanto, Head of the Malang City Regional Finance and Asset Agency (BKAD), Subkhan, Head of the Malang City Cooperatives, Industry and Trade Service (Diskopindag) Eko Sri Yuliadi and Assistant for Economy and Development of the Malang City Regional Secretariat Diah Ayu Kusuma Dewi.

In relation to this, the Malang City DPRD has also conducted a summons to ask for willingness to become the Acting Mayor of Malang. However, of the five names, two names resigned, namely the Head of Bapenda Handi Priyanto and the Head of BKAD Malang City Subkhan.

That was what was said by the Chairperson of the Malang City DPRD, I Made Riandiana Kartika, Thursday (3/8/2023). From this condition, additional time for the selection will be carried out. "In the selection that we have done, we have asked about their willingness, agreed not to ask about the vision and mission because the Acting is not allowed to convey the vision and mission," he said.

Made added, because they continued the Regional Development Plan (RPD) that had been prepared together. Considering that two names withdrew, we agreed to conduct additional screening. "Because if only three are discussed, there will be no discussion later," he explained.

Made further said that his party would summon and invite the Regional Secretary of Malang Regency Wahyu Hidayat, to add to the selection. Because according to him, he is a Malang resident, who works in Malang Regency and knows exactly the characteristics of Malang City.

"We will call and invite those proposed by several factions, namely the Regional Secretary of the Regency, Wahyu Hidayat. If we agreed yesterday, the dynamics are from Malang Raya. We will explore with him, later we will invite and there is still one who is invited," he said.

For the deadline for sending the names of the candidates for Acting Mayor of Malang to the Center, Made said it was August 8, 2023. If there are deficiencies in the selection process, according to him, there is still an opportunity to conduct additional selection. "After being summoned, there will be a meeting of the council leadership before sending the three names to the Ministry of Home Affairs and the East Java Provincial Government to be proposed as candidates for Acting Mayor of Malang," he concluded.

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