Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The plenary meeting with the agenda of Submitting the Final Opinion of the Factions on the Draft Changes to the General Policy of the Regional Budget (KUA) and Changes to the Priorities and Temporary Budget Ceiling (PPAS) of the 2023 Regional Budget was held in the Plenary Meeting Room of the Malang City DPRD Building, Thursday (10/8/2023).

Signing of the DPRD Decision and Memorandum of Understanding

In this plenary meeting, the Malang City DPRD also made decisions, delivered the final opinion of the Mayor of Malang, and signed decisions and memorandums of understanding.

The final result of the plenary meeting, six factions approved the presentation of the Mayor of Malang which was read in the previous plenary meeting. The six factions in the Malang City DPRD each provided input, such as related to optimizing budget use and resolving a number of problems, for example maximizing disaster management.

Responding to this, Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji said that suggestions, input and criticism from the factions were reasonable. "In this case, the DPRD carries out its function as a control or supervision of the executive," he explained.

From all of that, the bespectacled man explained that his party could accept and become a perfectionist in its performance. "We will oversee it later and one of the efforts is by gathering the heads of regional apparatus (PD)," he added.

"What the factions conveyed was that some were in charge. For example, for natural disasters, it is the domain of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). If it is related to optimizing Regional Original Income (PAD), it becomes the responsibility of the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) and others," he explained.

"We would like to thank all members of the DPRD who have worked hard so far and agreed to what we have conveyed. Hopefully this will be a good deed for all of us so that in the future Malang City will be even better," concluded Sutiaji. (say/yon)

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