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Diskopindag Together with Pertamina Open Bright Gas Exchange Booth

Kedungkandang ( – The Malang City Government through the Cooperatives, Industry, and Trade Service (Diskopindag) together with PT Pertamina opened a booth for exchanging 3kg LPG cylinders for Bright Gas, Friday (11/8/2023). This activity is also an effort to support the Letter of the Mayor of Malang Number: 500/2567/35.73.121/2023 dated July 31, 2023 concerning the Appeal Not to Use Subsidized 3Kg LPG for ASN in the Malang City Government Environment.

(Diskopindag together with PT Pertamina opened a booth for exchanging 3kg LPG cylinders for Bright Gas

Head of Diskopindag Malang City Dr. Eko Sri Yuliadi, S.Sos., MM said that the opening of this exchange booth is an encouragement for the community, especially ASN, to switch to using Bright Gas, because subsidized 3kg LPG is only intended for the poor. Eko added that this exchange is not only intended for ASN, but also the general public.

"The large number of people who exchanged cylinders today shows that they are aware of using non-subsidized ones. This shows a positive trend. Public understanding is increasing, from using subsidized to non-subsidized. Basically, this is the awareness of each individual to replace," he said.

The Malang City Government also plans to hold this exchange activity in the near future. "As a start, (the exchange of cylinders) is only held today, but our program will continue. We will hold it again after the 17th. We plan to center it at Malang City Hall," he continued.

Meanwhile, Retail Sales Pertamina, Rico Setiawan, said that Bright Gas is considered safer even though it is more expensive. Bright Gas has been equipped with DSVS (Double Spindle Valve System) technology to prevent LPG leakage. In addition, Bright Gas is also equipped with a Hologram Seal Cap on the valve part of the cylinder to ensure the quality and quantity of LPG contents.

"The main thing about Bright Gas cylinders is their safety, because they have double spindle technology. Another advantage is that the gas is more efficient. Like the motto, safer, more efficient, lighter," said Rico.

Bright Gas is sold in three types of packaging, namely Bright Gas 12kg, Bright Gas 5,5kg, and Bright Gas 220gr or Bright Gas Can which can be used with a portable stove. The retail price of Bright Gas is around Rp100.000,00 for the 5,5kg size and Rp200.000,00 for the 12kg size.

"We have prepared 70 5,5 kg cylinders and 10 12 kg cylinders. We will add more if it is not enough. In the framework of this promo, we accept the exchange of one empty 3 kg cylinder with one 5,5 kg Bright Gas cylinder and its contents for Rp212.000,00. If you exchange two empty 3 kg cylinders with one 5,5 kg Bright Gas cylinder, it is only Rp96.000,00," he continued.

Meanwhile, one 12kg Bright Gas cylinder can also be exchanged for one 3kg LPG cylinder by adding a fee of Rp441.000,00. If exchanging two 3kg LPG cylinders for one 12kg Bright Gas cylinder, it only costs an additional fee of Rp325.000,00. All 3kg LPG cylinders are exchanged for filled Bright Gas cylinders.

One of the ASN of Malang City Government, Putra Arifandi, exchanged his melon LPG gas cylinder with Bright Gas 5,5kg. Putra said that he wanted to switch to using Bright Gas. "It's time for ASN to switch to Bright Gas. This just added 212 thousand rupiah, cheaper than outside. Usually 110 thousand is just the contents, not including the cylinder," said the ASN who works at the Malang City Regional Secretariat.

A similar thing was also expressed by a Madyopuro resident, Dedy. He now wants to switch to using Bright Gas because it supports the government's program that melon LPG is only intended for people who need it. "We think that in terms of price, it is quite affordable, besides, the stock of melon cylinders is also limited," he said. (ari/yon)

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