News Arts, Culture and Tourism

Kadisporapar Appreciates Painting Exhibition in the Lobby of the Council Building

Klojen ( – 70 paintings by 27 painters from Malang Raya have been displayed in the Lobby of the Malang City DPRD Building since Monday (14/8/2023). In addition to being a place of expression for artists, this exhibition is also in order to welcome and enliven the 78th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence.

Head of the Malang City Disporapar, Baihaqi, together with the Deputy Chairman of the Malang City DPRD, Asmualik, TNI/Polri and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Bambang Simbah while reviewing the painting exhibition

This painting exhibition received appreciation from the Head of the Youth, Sports and Tourism Agency (Disporapar) of Malang City, Baihaqi. According to him, Malang City is rich in everything, including painters who are certainly a rare talent and not everyone can do it.

"Therefore, we give extraordinary appreciation. This activity is also routinely held, so we also continue to strengthen activities like this," said Baihaqi, Tuesday (15/8/2023).

He also hopes that in the future exhibition activities like this can be held lively and better, so that they can be known and recognized by the wider community, especially for millennials.

"Of course, so that they can recognize that this painting contains cultural philosophical values ​​that we must strengthen together. So, it must be conceptualized from the beginning, how to package this activity much better, much more lively, much more well-known by the public. This is an extraordinary activity," he enthusiastically said.

Not only that, Baihaqi said that in the future there will also be collaboration and coaching for painters. Because according to him, painting is also part of the 17 sub-sectors of the creative economy (ekraf).

"This coaching is part of the creative economy subsector. This also certainly requires collaboration and coaching in the future. Both carried out by the Malang City Disporapar and the Malang City Diskopindag. Because this will support economic growth," he said.

For your information, this painting exhibition will be held from Monday (14/8/2023) to Sunday (27/8/2023). The prices of the paintings in this exhibition vary, starting from IDR 5 million to IDR 35 million. (say/yon)

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