News Law, Politics, and Government

Tlogomas Becomes the First Drug-Free Resilient Village Post in Malang City

Lowokwaru ( – As a form of commitment to eradicating drugs, Malang City Police Chief Sr. Comr. Pol. Budi Hermanto inaugurated the Drug-Free Resilient Village Post located at the Tlogomas Village Office, Jl. Raya Tlogomas, Lowokwaru District, Malang City, Thursday, (17/8/2023).

Malang City Police Chief Sr. Comr. Pol. Budi Hermanto inaugurated the Resilient Drug-Free Village Post located at the Tlogomas Sub-district Office

Present at the inauguration ceremony were the Head of the Malang City BNN, Deputy Chief of the Malang City Police, Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit, Head of Tlogomas Village, Tlogomas Sub-district Forkopimcam, and other community leaders.

Malang City Police Chief Sr. Comr. Pol. Budi Hermanto said that the inauguration of the Drug-Free Resilient Village Post has a function to eliminate the negative impacts of drug abuse and distribution in Malang City. The selection of Tlogomas Village as a pilot location is considered appropriate because this area is known to have five universities and various complex community activities, as well as ethnic and cultural diversity.

"This post is certainly expected to encourage active participation of the Tlogomas community in efforts to prevent drug abuse," said the man who is familiarly called Buher.

The Malang City Police Chief revealed that this post will function as an information and coordination center. The public is also expected to report drug abuse cases if they find any, for further assessment processes to be carried out by authorities such as Satresnarkoba, BNN, Kodim, and the sub-district. Follow-up in the form of rehabilitation or other handling will be determined based on the results of the assessment.

The existence of community participation in drug prevention efforts is highly emphasized to emphasize that the identity of the reporter will be kept confidential. This is to provide a sense of security to individuals who provide information and also to those who will undergo further handling processes.

"This post is the first of 57 sub-districts in Malang City that reflects the commitment to make Malang City an area free from drug problems," explained Buher.

Meanwhile, Tlogomas Village Head, Andi Aisyah Muhsin expressed his support for this post and will play an active role in maintaining and managing the post. He also said that the village will educate the public about the purpose of establishing this Drug-Free Resilient Village Post, and hold discussions with various related parties, including the BNN, to formulate a better handling plan.

The woman in hijab hopes that through this initiative and participation, the people of Malang City, especially Tlogomas Village, can be more courageous in speaking up in reporting drug abuse cases. At the same time, supporting the drug handling and prevention program in order to realize a Malang City that is Clean from Drugs (Bersinar). (say/yon)

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