A. Highlight News Creative Economy

Through MCC, Malang City Wins Award at 2023 Indonesia Awards

Jakarta (Malang City) – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) won an award at the 2023 Indonesia Awards held by iNews Media Group for the Excellent Awards for Strategic Initiative category for the Malang Creative Center. This award was received directly by the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji at the Jakarta Concert Hall iNews Tower, Thursday (31/8/2023).

Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji received an Award at the 2023 Indonesia Awards for the Excellent Awards for Strategic Initiative category for the Malang Creative Center

After receiving the award, Malang Mayor Sutiaji expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the hard work of all parties who have helped develop the Malang Creative Center as a forum for creative industry players in Malang City.

The bespectacled man said that the award he received this time was not aimed at him as the leader of Malang City, but was aimed at the citizens of Malang City who always wanted to advance Malang City itself.

"Of course we express our gratitude, this award is not for me but for the people of Bumi Arema that we love who always want to progress, so this award is a trigger and motivator for us to continue moving forward," he said.

The establishment of MCC was born from the awareness of the need for a space that can accommodate and collaborate the myriad of creative human resources potential as a pillar of the future economy of Malang City. Real evidence of the benefits of MCC since its soft launch until the first semester of 2023, there have been 1.283 events held at MCC with more than 71 thousand visitors

"MCC was built during the pandemic. This is a form of our determination to ensure that our shared vision is not eroded by the disruption of the pandemic. Currently, with so many events that can be accommodated, tens of thousands of people have benefited, from various circles, the community is increasingly positive in viewing MCC as a space that, God willing, will be extraordinarily beneficial," he said again.

In the future, it is hoped that the people of Malang City will not make awards a goal when innovating. According to him, every action taken is always accompanied by rewards and punishments. And the awards received are rewards from the hard work done.

"The hope for the people of Malang City is of course that the award is not a goal. But this is a reward for the hard work done. Hopefully, appreciation will continue to be given to those who have a high commitment to progress, both for themselves and for the community," he concluded. (iu/yon)

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