Starfruit ( – The Malang City Transportation Agency (Dishub) is conducting traffic engineering to reduce congestion on several roads in Malang City. This time in the Jalan Trunojoyo area or precisely in the Buk Gluduk area next to the public fuel station (SPBU). This traffic engineering is carried out together with the Traffic and Road Transportation Forum (FLLAJ).
This engineering is done with different treatment. If previously on Jalan Untung Suropati Utara it had been enforced by installing a sign that no turning from Jalan Gatot Subroto towards Jalan Untung Suropati Utara, now at the intersection of Jalan Trunojoyo it will be enforced with a clock system.
Head of Malang City Transportation Agency Widjaja Saleh Putra, when met on Friday (8/92023/XNUMX) explained that from west to south from Jalan Embong Brantas to Boldi turning right is not allowed at certain hours. Then from the north of Jalan Trunojoyo turning right to the gas station on Jalan Trunojoyo is also not allowed.
"We will arrange all of that later. We will discuss the plan again, maybe it will be implemented around 06.00 WIB to 09.00 WIB. However, the plan will be socialized to the public for about two weeks," Widjaja added.
He further said that the limited infrastructure was a consideration for the trial. However, later, Preliminary Route Indicator Signs (RPPJ) will be installed, warnings starting from gas station intersections and around the station will also be installed.
"We use it at certain hours because it's a technical problem. If it's closed for a day, it could cause new problems. In addition to the issue of traffic infrastructure in the Buk Gluduk area, especially at the Trunojoyo Street intersection, road users often complain. Not only because of the dense traffic flow, but also because of the many large vehicles that pass and fill the road," explained the man who is often called Jaya. (say/yon)