News Law, Politics, and Government

UMM Academics Appreciate Sutiaji-Sofyan Edi's Performance and Leadership

Lowokwaru ( – During the five years of the leadership of the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji and Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko, namely from 2018-2023, they received appreciation from one of the political experts of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Zen Amirudin. The reason is, many significant changes have occurred in the City of Malang.

The man who is often called Zen said that one of the significant changes is the growth of the tourism sector in Malang City. Moreover, with the presence of the Kayutangan Heritage Area which is already widely known to the public.

"The mayor's policy that can be felt is prioritizing several tourist areas, which were not previously a priority but are now so developed. Like in Kayutangan Heritage, which is trying to be like other cities. But once again, we must appreciate it positively as a form of developing the tourism sector," said Zen, Thursday (21/9/2023).

In fact, according to him, currently many people are eyeing the area. Moreover, with Kayutangan Heritage which has a long history, so it is unique for tourists in Malang City.

"If we can say, we are following the Jogja model, but there, with history, there is the Malioboro area block with a long history. If you want to be in Kayutangan with all its history, you have to be willing to represent historical value. So, people don't just come to hang out. But there they will build a memory about the history of Malang City and Kayutangan," he said.

Furthermore, Zen also argued that Kayutangan Heritage with all its icons such as PLN Kayutangan and Kayutangan Cinema, should not be abandoned and should not be destroyed. According to him, this would eliminate the substance of the Kayutangan Heritage Area.

"Well, for those who come, they will know that Kayutangan Heritage has a long history that is then narrated into a tourist attraction called Kayutangan. The cinema is the main thing, there should be a Kayutangan Cinema Monument. If something new is forced there, then Kayutangan's value will be lost. So Kayutangan must have one big idea, about meaningful history," he said.

The man who also serves as the Head of the UMM Human Resources Development Training Center advised that in the future the Kayutangan Heritage Area should not eliminate local wisdom. In fact, according to him, this must continue to be echoed in Kayutangan Heritage.

"If in the past Kayutangan Heritage with its pedicabs, yes it must still exist. Including the surrounding environment. In my opinion, the surrounding villages should not easily claim what village this is so that people who come in and out must be charged a fee, so that people are reluctant to come there. From this village, it must become a big concept of management and development management so that the surrounding area develops," concluded Zen. (say/yon)

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