Starfruit ( – The problem of waste and limited agricultural land is still an issue that must be resolved together. As an effort to resolve this urban problem, the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Malang City held a Technical Coordination Meeting (Rakortek) of the Natural Resources Sector with the theme Utilization of Household Organic Waste to Support Urban Farming Activities at the Savana Hotel, Thursday (26/10/2023).

Head of Bappeda Malang City Dwi Rahayu, SH, M.Hum said that environmental issues are a concern for the Malang City Government. "Some of the city's problematic issues include agricultural land. In addition, the problem of waste is also still a concern. Waste piles require special handling to extend the life of the TPA. Also, there needs to be utilization of household organic waste. In addition to improving environmental cleanliness, the utilization of organic waste from households is expected to support the urban farming program," explained Dwi.
In the activity attended by related regional apparatus, UMKM actors, pokdarwis, urban farming actors, fish farming groups, farmer groups, Reuse-Reduce-Recycle Waste Management Sites (TPS3R), to waste sorters, Dwi also revealed that the amount of waste in Malang City is 247.388 tons per year or 687 tons per day. Most of it is organic waste that has the potential to be managed into compost or organic fertilizer and can also be used for Maggot cultivation.
The increasingly limited area of agricultural land in urban areas also encourages the promotion of integrated urban farming in Malang City. According to him, urban farming can be done by utilizing the yard or terrace of the house or gardening on the roof or balcony of the house.
"We can also plant crops using the intercropping method and simultaneously raise fish using the budikamber system (fish farming in buckets). So in addition to being able to plant vegetables and fruits, it can also be a place to raise catfish and tilapia. It does not require a large area," he explained again.
According to Dwi, collaboration between various parties to resolve the issue of natural resource problems in Malang City is very necessary, such as the Department of Food Security and Agriculture (Dispangtan), the Department of Cooperatives, Industry, and Trade (Diskopindag), the Department of Environment (DLH), TPA Supit Urang, as well as related agencies and communities. Each work unit is expected to be able to contribute according to their respective duties and functions.
"We hope we can synergize and work together. So there is coordination, synchronization, and harmonization of regional development planning in the sub-sector of natural resources with stakeholders at the center, provinces, and regional apparatuses in the city government environment, as well as other stakeholders," he hoped.
Academic from the Environmental Engineering Department of ITN Malang, Sudiro said that 47 percent of waste in Malang City comes from household waste. While 54,39 percent is food waste. "We can use this waste as compost, animal feed, and biogas. So waste is not useless, but waste is part of resources," he said.
His party also strongly supports the urban farming movement that continues to be strengthened by the Malang City Government. "There are many benefits from urban farming that we can feel. First, the environment and environmental health as well as sustainable use of space. Urban farming can also improve the economy and food security starting from the family circle. In addition, by farming at home it will certainly increase the beauty of the city and can also be used as recreation," he explained.
Adding, Agribusiness Lecturer of the Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Malang, Riyanti Isaskar said that organic waste that dominates the TPA can also be used as eco enzyme/ eco enzyme (EE) or another name Garbage Enzymes (GE). It is known that ezo enzyme has various benefits, such as for natural cleaners (detergents, soaps, floor cleaners), helps the healing process of various wounds, improves the quality of air, water, and soil, and is able to increase soil fertility.
"Eco enzyme is a natural liquid from processing organic waste, sugar, and water fermented for at least three months. Eco enzyme is a natural alternative to harmful synthetic chemicals at home. Eco enzyme is also one solution to reduce the burden on landfills," said the woman who is an eco enzyme activist. (ari/yon)