Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Before the morning assembly of Malang City Government employees in the front yard of Malang City Hall, Monday (6/11/2023), Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM handed over awards received by the Malang City Communication and Informatics Service (Kominfo) and the Community Information Group (KIM).

The award won was at the 2023 Public Relations Media Award (AMH) event organized by the Ministry of Communication and Information, Malang City Communication and Information Office won the first best award for the Audiovisual Media category, with a video entitled 'Gelaran Malang'.
Then at the 2023 East Java Public Relations Award (JPRA) event organized by the East Java Provincial Communication and Information Service, various achievements were obtained, namely Best I for the website category at the Regency/City Communication and Information Service level, Best I for the Public Communication Campaign Program category at the Regency/City Communication and Information Service level, Best II for the Creative Video Category at the Regency/City Communication and Information Service level, and Best II for the Social Media Category at the Regency/City Communication and Information Service level.
It doesn't stop there, at the 2023 Citizen Journalist Award (APW) event organized by the East Java Provincial Communication and Informatics Office, KIM Lestari Tunjungsekar won third place in the Videographic Category. Finally, in the KIM Hackathon competition also organized by the East Java Provincial Communication and Informatics Office, KIM Samaan won third place in the 2023 KIM Hackathon.
Regarding the series of achievements, the Head of the Malang City Communication and Information Service, M. Nur Widianto, said that the main point is the togetherness of the agency he leads with KIM which always emphasizes that currently in the midst of the utilization of various media, it is important to prioritize, introduce and educate the potentials owned by Malang City.
"Of course, at the regional level, the potential in each sub-district is at the KIM level. In each city, we highlight what is there. In our language, both internally in Kominfo or internally in the Malang City environment, we try to transfer to KIM colleagues, namely strengthening economic ideology. We have instilled this since and after the Covid-19 pandemic," he explained.
The man who is often called Wiwid added that it was important because they were faced with various crises, so at that time they won first place for the campaign category about their respective cities. "Through the video, we raised the theme of dynamics, the pulse in Kayutangan Heritage. Various activities there. Starting from the event, activities from the community there, both in the inner and outer corridors. That's what we highlight, we introduce, it seems that it was captured by the center as something interesting," explained Wiwid.
Along with that, he continued, outside the context of what was proposed in the assessment, both at the central and provincial levels, indeed when talking about strengthening ideology there is also something called the UMKM Of The Week rubric, that is also a point during the assessment. "The consistency of the Malang City Government to always be present in the midst of the people's potential in this case UMKM is also one of the strengtheners of the UMKM Of The Week rubric," continued Wiwid.
He further explained that KIM is a partner of the Communication and Information Service, so it is not in the context of direction. So one of the stakeholders of the Communication and Information Service is KIM which is now a community. "Once this group exists, how do we want to position KIM? Is it just as an organizer? For gatherings? Of course, the hope is not like that. There must be more points from this KIM, so this KIM must be integrated with its environment. KIM must be integrated with what is in their respective regions. Well, in the first and second year, during the pandemic, we highlighted those potentials," he explained.
When asked whether KIM is in every sub-district, Wiwid said that it is indeed expected by the central government that KIM can be formed in all sub-districts. "We are indeed in the process, not yet 57 sub-districts, but currently there are already 40 or so sub-districts. But we are optimistic and believe that over time it will be formed by itself," he concluded. (say/yon)