
Realizing Gender Equality, Bappeda Holds PUG Coordination Meeting

Starfruit (malangkota.go.id) – To provide an understanding regarding the implementation of gender mainstreaming revitalization (PUG) in the regions by integrating it into the process of preparing regional development planning documents, the Malang City Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) held a Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorda) on Gender Mainstreaming at the Atria Hotel, Tuesday (7/10/2023).

The Regional Secretary of Malang City presented the material after opening the activity

This PUG Coordination Meeting was held with the aim of providing guidelines in the preparation of gender-responsive regional apparatus planning documents and providing information on the implementation of the evaluation of the implementation of the PUG in Malang City.

Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MT was present to open the activity and at the same time present material on collaboration and strengthening of PUG in Malang City. "This activity is a follow-up to the state's commitment to realizing gender equality and justice as stated in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 9 of 2000 concerning the Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) in development," he explained.

Currently, Malang City has transformed into the second Metropolitan City in East Java. Based on BPS data, the population in 2022 is 846.126 people with a female population of 425.229 people or 50,26% of the population of Malang City and a male population of 420.897 people or 49,74% of the population of Malang City, where the data above shows that the number of women is greater than men.

In his notes, the Gender Empowerment Index (IDG) of Malang City in 2022 was at 78,77 while the IDG target in the P-RPJMD document was 75,10. Meanwhile, the Malang City Development Index was at 82,71%, while the Malang City Gender Development Index (IPG) was at 95,54%.

"Although these two figures are quite high, they are below the target set by the Malang City Government in the P-RPJMD document. Therefore, acceleration is needed from all of us as government officials in fulfilling the achievement of indicators," he said.

Furthermore, Erik also explained that in order to strengthen PUG collaboration in Malang City, strategic steps need to be taken, including Optimizing the Focal Point Team in each Regional Government up to the sub-district level, preparing Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting (PPRG) documents before determining the RKPD in 2025, Activating PPRG in each program/activity/sub-activity in order to provide benefits to the community, and optimizing technical guidance (bimtek) in preparing PPRG in each PD up to the sub-district level.

"I hope that Malang City will continue to improve itself to reduce the existing gender gap. For that, all Regional Apparatus within the Malang City Government must collaborate to strengthen their commitment in implementing these strategic steps to continue to encourage the strengthening and development of PUG," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the PPKG Division of the Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Service of East Java Province, One Widyawati, SKM, M.Kes in her presentation said that the integration of gender issues in the PPRG document has been responded to by creating a revitalization of gender mainstreaming. Among those that are part of the revitalization are revisions to planning instruments, revisions to budgeting instruments, revisions to PUG instruments both at the central and regional levels, and revisions to the Gender Analysis Pathway (GAP).

In the future, One hopes that all regional apparatuses can understand gender issues holistically so that they can implement PPRG in order to support the direction of regional development that is responsive to gender. In addition, One also encourages the gender mainstreaming driving team in the Malang City Government to continue to work optimally and maximize their role in realizing gender equality and justice.

"Regional apparatus must have a gender perspective and must understand gender properly so that they can play an optimal role in efforts to realize gender equality and justice," concluded One. (iu//yon)

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