Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Even though they are not directly involved in practical politics, Muhammadiyah cadres or members, especially in East Java, are given the freedom to enter the world of politics and join any political party.

Muhammadiyah community audience with Malang City DPRD at Malang City DPRD building

When Muhammadiyah cadres spread and provide positive impacts, this will also become a force that will further strengthen Muhammadiyah's position in various areas of life.

These are some of the things conveyed by the Deputy Chairperson of the Public Policy and Wisdom Institute (LHKP) of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PWM) of East Java Province, Muhammad Khoirul Abduh after an audience between Muhammadiyah residents and the Malang City DPRD at the Malang City DPRD building, Thursday evening (30/11/2023).

Muhammadiyah, he said, will support all cadres who enter the world of politics while still upholding the principles of civilization. In addition, according to him, various aspects of life are inseparable from political interference.

The more Muhammadiyah cadres there are in parliament or government, the stronger Muhammadiyah's bargaining power will be in various policy decisions.

"Well, this is what we hope for later, there will be representation of Muhammadiyah people from any party in parliament. Because every policy must be a political policy," explained Khoirul.

He gave an example, that educational institutions, hospitals and other Islamic missionary institutions in Muhammadiyah are many, which sometimes the licensing process and so on require legislation from council members at the district/city, provincial and central levels. "This is what we then achieve but in the context of not then endorsing one party," Khoirul emphasized.

Meanwhile, regarding the current political conditions, Khoirul said that Muhammadiyah will continue to follow the applicable rules without ignoring its critical attitude. "In general, the democratic party must run well, peacefully, legitimately, civilized, and progressively," he said. (say/yon)

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