Breadfruit ( – Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM symbolically handed over assistance to Families at Risk of Stunting (KRS) and those affected by inflation, Sunday (3/12/2023). The activity initiated by the Malang City Food Security and Agriculture Service (Dispangtan) was carried out at the Bandungrejosari Village Office, Sukun District, Malang City.

Acting Mayor of Malang Wahyu Hidayat said that the problems of stunting and inflation are the main concerns and there must be government intervention. Moreover, stunting and inflation are interrelated. Uncontrolled inflation will certainly have an impact on people's purchasing power. The impact is that the fulfillment of people's food needs will also be affected.
"So today we will provide intervention, in addition to addressing the impact of inflation, also for stunting. Because one of the ways to handle stunting is by providing good nutrition," he explained.
Wahyu hopes that this assistance can ease and help the community to meet their daily needs and provide sufficient nutrition for their families. "Hopefully this assistance can be useful for all of you. And if there are things related to stunting, please report it to the Village Head so that there is handling. Later it will be coordinated with the sub-district and health center," said Wahyu.
Meanwhile, Head of Dispangtan Malang City, Slamet Husnan Hariadi, SP said that this activity was carried out to increase access and ensure the availability of quality food for vulnerable communities in Malang City. "It is hoped that vulnerable communities affected by inflation can still access food and allocate income for other needs. Thus, people's purchasing power can also be maintained," said Slamet.
Slamet further said that for this assistance, his party has prepared 3.220 packages for KRS residents. The target of this assistance is underprivileged KRS who are included in the DTKS and have not received assistance in the last three months. Slamet explained that the 3.220 packages prepared will be distributed to five sub-districts in Malang City with the following details, 733 packages for Blimbing Sub-district, 395 packages for Klojen Sub-district, 861 packages for Kedungkandang Sub-district. Meanwhile, Lowokwaru Sub-district received 373 packages and Sukun received 858 packages.
The package provided consists of 5 kg of premium rice, 1 kg of chicken meat, 10 chicken eggs, 500 grams of mackerel, 250 grams of shallots, 250 grams of red chilies, 1 kg of tomatoes, 500 grams of carrots, 300 grams of green beans, 1 kg of honey oranges, and 1 liter of UHT milk.
"The commodities we distribute are food ingredients recommended for handling stunting and/or commodities that have experienced price increases in the last three months," he concluded.
On this occasion, the Acting Mayor not only distributed aid packages symbolically at the Bandungrejosari Village Office, but also distributed aid packages door to door to several beneficiary residents around the village office accompanied by the Head of Dispangtan, Director of Perumda Tunas, Sukun Sub-district Head, and the village heads in the Sukun District area. (ari/yon)