Starfruit ( – The National Alms Agency (Baznas) of Malang City in collaboration with related Regional Apparatus within the Malang City Government (Pemkot) held the 2023 Baznas Working Meeting at the Atria Hotel on Tuesday (12/12/2023).

Baznas Working Meeting 2023

Head of Baznas Malang City, Prof. Dr. Kasuwi Saiban SH M.Ag, said that this activity was an effort to sit together with the aim of realizing transparency and professionalism in the management of Baznas. "We need to communicate with related regional apparatuses such as the Social and Community Affairs Section and Bappeda to get input to improve the Baznas Malang City program," explained Kasuwi on Tuesday (12/12/2023).

This activity is also an evaluation of the steps that have been taken by Baznas previously and the plan of steps that will be taken in the coming years. Especially for this year, the newly inaugurated Baznas Malang City management needs to work harder to gain trust in the tasks they are entrusted with. "With the support of all parties, we are confident that we can carry out the mandate well, including determining the next five-year program with a break down every year," said Kasuwi.

Baznas Malang City has carried out various collaborations, including with the mass media to publicize its activities. It is hoped that in the future, Baznas Malang City can increasingly gain public trust. "In addition to collaborating with the media, Baznas Malang City hopes to achieve ISO this year to increase public trust," said Kasuwi.

With the success of achieving ISO, Baznas Malang City can increase public trust transparently, especially in the Malang City Government area. Head of the Social and Community Affairs Section of Malang City, Imam Mabrur, appreciated this activity as a good initial step to jointly discuss and coordinate various activities in 2024. The existence of Baznas is very important in providing the best service to the community.

"The function of Baznas is to collect zakat, which becomes an obligation if it has reached its nisab," said Mabrur. Head of Government and Human Development, Bappeda Malang City, Wilstar Taripar Sinaga S.STP., MAP, stated that today's joint activity with Baznas is a good initial step to establish synergy, including in handling poverty in Malang City.

"Including handling extreme poverty which is currently a national program to be completed together," explained Wilstar. On this occasion, Wilstar also presented material on the role of government in poverty alleviation. (cah)

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