Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The success of the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) received extraordinary appreciation from various parties, including the Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM who expressed his appreciation at the first TPID coordination meeting (rakor) in 2024 at the Bank Indonesia Malang Representative Office, Thursday (11/1/2024).

In the meeting discussing the 2023 performance evaluation and the 2024 performance plan, a number of positive results achieved by the Malang City TPID were presented. Malang City's success in reducing the inflation rate to 0,22 percent from 0,40 percent in November 2023 is one of the achievements that according to Wahyu cannot be separated from TPID interventions.
"Alhamdulillah, although at the beginning of 2023 our inflation was quite high, but starting in June 2023 our inflation was above the national average. There were interventions carried out by TPID and based on data released by BPS, inflation in Malang City is well controlled," he said.
According to the data released by BPS at the beginning of this month, the inflation rate in Malang City in December 2023 was quite different from previous years, where the December inflation rate would usually be higher than November. However, in December 2023, the m-to-m inflation rate in Malang City was at 0,22%, down from the previous figure in November 2023 which reached 0,40%.
Although it is considered quite successful in controlling inflation, Wahyu reminded all parties not to be arrogant and to always be vigilant. He said the Central Government has also reminded the regions that there will be a tendency for price fluctuations in the community.
"The Ministry of Home Affairs yesterday reminded us that there will be many big days that could cause prices to get out of control if we don't intervene directly," he added.
Even so, Wahyu admitted that the Malang City TPID has prepared itself to face these moments with various intervention strategies that will be carried out, such as by conducting market operations, Warung Press Inflation, cooperation with Bulog, and efforts to plant and harvest chilies. These various efforts also received appreciation from the Central Government during the evaluation of the first quarter performance of the Acting Mayor of Malang a few days ago in Jakarta.
Wahyu further said that when entering the new year 2024, there will be no changes in the strategy that TPID will implement in controlling inflation. Reflecting on the data released by BPS in December 2023, the intervention strategy carried out was considered quite successful, so in the future, TPID Malang City will continue this strategy to control the rate of inflation.
"The strategy we launched in December 2023 has proven to be very effective. Previously, we were always above the national level, last December we held a High Level Meeting TPID, thank God from the results of the BPS release at the beginning of the year our inflation rate has decreased," he concluded. (iu/yon)