Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso ST., MT accompanied by Assistant for Government and Public Welfare Ir. Diah Ayu Kusuma Dewi, MT, heads of regional apparatus and BUMD who are members of the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) attended the Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting (Rakor) held by the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) online from the Majapahit Room, Malang City Hall, Monday (22/1/2024).

In the coordination meeting, Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) M. Tito Karnavian expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the performance of all parties in maintaining the inflation rate in Indonesia. He said that since the Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting was held in September 2022, Indonesia's year-on-year inflation rate was almost 6%. However, thanks to the hard work of all parties, this figure can continue to be suppressed until it reaches 2,61% as of December 2023.
"At the beginning of the first inflation meeting, the yoy figure reached 6%, while now (December 2023 to December 2022) it is at 2,61%. This is a very good figure and is well maintained, and this is thanks to the cooperation of all of us," said Minister Tito.
Although it continues to show a positive trend, Minister Tito reminded all parties to continue to work hard in preventing the increase in the inflation rate. In addition, Minister Tito also reminded that the national figure of 2,61% does not reflect the same figure in all regions. Therefore, he advised regions with quite high inflation rates to immediately take intervention steps and find out the cause of the increase.
From the presentation of the Price Development Index (IPH), up to the third week of January 2024, a number of commodities such as rice, shallots and garlic, as well as broiler chicken meat are still contributors to the increase in inflation rates in several regions.
For shallots, the price development is still much higher than the average price in December 2023, but the number of regions experiencing price increases is relatively reduced. The opposite is true for broiler chicken, where the number of regions experiencing price increases has increased, but nationally the price development has decreased compared to the price in the second week of January 2024.
Meanwhile, for garlic and rice commodities, both experienced price increases compared to the second week of January 2024, and the number of regions experiencing price increases also continues to increase. Responding to this, Minister Tito advised all parties to be vigilant. He also mentioned that regarding the increase in rice prices, the Ministry of Home Affairs has held a special meeting involving many parties including Bulog, the National Food Agency (Bapanas), the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), and the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).
"Some steps that can be taken by the local government include providing social assistance, cheap market movements for the poor and several other ways that can stabilize the price of goods," he explained in more detail. (iu/yon)