Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – 14 administrators of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) of Malang Raya held an audience with the Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM who was received in the Malang Mayor's Meeting Room, Malang City Hall, Tuesday (23/1/2024).

In this audience, the Head of PWI Malang Raya, Cahyono conveyed several agendas to the Acting Mayor of Malang. The first is the commemoration of National Press Day (HPN) which will be held on February 9, 2024 in front of Malang City Hall. In this event entitled Tumpeng Damai, PWI Malang Raya will invite the election organizers, namely the KPUD and Bawaslu of Malang City.
"With Tumpeng Damai, we will also echo peaceful and legitimate elections, so that we invite the election organizers. At this moment we will also present awards to the Malang Raya Forkopimda," explained Cahyono.
So far, he said that Forkopimda has always supported various activities carried out by PWI Malang Raya, such as the Journalist Competency Test (UKW) and providing assistance to orphans and the poor.
The second agenda is the peak commemoration of HPN PWI Malang Raya on February 29, 2024. "At this moment, we will hold the inauguration of the new management for the 2024-2027 period. In addition, we will also present awards to a number of regional apparatuses within the Malang City Government," continued Cahyono.
No less interesting is that there will also be the release of 110 doves as a sign of peace after the inauguration of the new management. "The number of doves also welcomes the 110th anniversary of Malang City on April 1, 2024. So we ask for the support of the Malang City Government for several of these events," added Cahyono.
Responding to this, the Acting Mayor of Malang admitted that he would fully support the PWI Malang Raya agenda. "The media crew, especially members of the PWI Malang Raya, have always collaborated with the Malang City Government in various matters, so we are ready to help," he explained.
"As long as the activity is positive, we will always support any activity. Moreover, there is an invitation for peaceful elections and awards to public officials. This is very good, and for the technical event, we can coordinate with the Prokompim section or other related PDs," said Wahyu. (say/yon)