Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The construction of Kebalen Market has been completed and a number of traders have occupied their stalls. However, some traders complained that the wire mesh used as a partition for stalls and as a place to store goods was not optimal.

Kebalen Market

This wire mesh is complained by traders because the gap is too wide, so that mice can enter and damage merchandise. In addition, it is also feared that with the gap being too wide, there are irresponsible hands taking goods stored in the stall.

The traders also asked the Malang City Cooperatives and Trade Service (Diskopindag) to replace them, so that traders do not have to worry about their goods being damaged or lost.

When confirmed, the Head of the Malang City Trade and Industry Office, Eko Sri Yuliadi on Friday (26/1/2024) admitted that he was ready and would immediately replace the wire mesh of the kiosks at Kebalen Market. He asked traders to be patient.

"For the time being, we might be able to use tarpaulin or other materials to secure the merchandise. We will soon repair or replace the wire so that traders feel safe and comfortable," Eko added.

For now, traders are asked to find a way to keep their merchandise safe. Eko said that his party is currently coordinating to find the best solution. "Traders, be patient, it will definitely be repaired or replaced," concluded Eko. (say/yon)

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