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Dispangtan Develops Hydroganic Rice Cultivation

Kedungkandang ( – The Malang City Food Security and Agriculture Service (Dispangtan) through the Kedungkandang Agricultural Extension Center (BPP) innovated by introducing a hydroponic rice planting system that utilizes limited land.

Bagus shows the Hydrogen Rice system that is currently being developed

BPP Kedungkandang Officer, Bagus Krisna Heru Widodo revealed that the hydroganic system developed by BPP Tlogowaru has many advantages. Utilizing limited land, the results obtained are maximized, because in addition to being able to harvest rice, catfish, and silk worms, the water used for rice cultivation can be used as fertilizer.

"From the trials we conducted in a 2x4 meter pond, 128 rice planting holes can be made. Where one hole can produce one ounce to two ounces of grain," Bagus explained, Friday (26/1/2024).

In addition to the encouraging harvest, with this system farmers can harvest fish twice during hydroganic rice cultivation. Once spreading dense catfish seeds of 3.000, in one harvest can produce three quintals of catfish.

Meanwhile, the fish feed needed is 75 kilograms per fish harvest cycle. He said that currently his party continues to conduct research in order to save on feed costs so that this system can become a very profitable system.

"This hydroganic system can also produce silkworms. This is what we continue to research for its development, so that in the future with this system we can reduce the high expenditure of feed," explained Bagus.

Bagus said that by implementing the hydrogranic system, farmers benefit because they no longer need to buy chemical fertilizers by utilizing catfish waste. "The content of this fertilizer is very good, so the water used in the hydrogranic pond can be sold," said Bagus.

Bagus further mentioned that in addition to being good for rice, the water used for hydro-organic cultivation is also very good for fertilizer for various types of plants. "What has been tested is for melon and sugar cane plants," he concluded. (cah/yon)

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