News Law, Politics, and Government

After Being Inaugurated, This is an Important Message for the New Head of BI Malang Representative Office

Starfruit ( – Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Destry Damayanti inaugurated the Head of the Bank Indonesia Malang Representative Office, Febriana at the Harris Hotel, Malang City, Tuesday afternoon (5/3/2024). On this occasion, Destry left four important messages to the new Head of the BI Malang Representative Office.

The first important message is related to controlling inflation which is currently triggered by the increase in food commodity prices. In this regard, he emphasized that the national movement to control food inflation will and must be reactivated so that food prices are stable and maintained.

Next, Destry asked that various potentials in the regions continue to be developed and optimized. Especially micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) which have been the backbone of the economy. "So far, more than 90 percent of business actors are MSME actors. The contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is quite large, namely 67 percent and absorbs up to 97 percent of the workforce," he added.

Third, Destry advised that the digital payment system continue to be boosted. "In addition to being safer, this system is also more efficient. Until December 2023, merchants or payment system services are around 611 thousand. Electronic transactions in the scope of local government are above 90 percent," he explained.

"One of the domestic challenges before our eyes is inflation, especially from food. So the challenge is very big. We are talking about domestic, we have not talked about the global one which is also still high in uncertainty. So if we only handle it alone, we will not be able to. That's why we need to synergize, we need to collaborate and we need to coordinate," said Destry.

No less important, Destry asked Febrina to ensure that the money circulating in the community is of good quality. In this case, Bank Indonesia will always serve the exchange of worn-out money circulating in the community. "Mobile cash services must also continue to be held so that the community is helped," he said.

What Destry said was agreed by the Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM. According to him, with togetherness, collaboration and good synergy, it will be possible to solve any problems that occur in society. (say/yon)

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