A. Highlight News inflation

Malang City TPID Monitors Commodity Prices Ahead of Ramadan

Starfruit (malangkota.go.id) – Ahead of the arrival of the month of Ramadan and amidst the prices of several commodities tending to rise, the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) conducted inspections at several traditional and modern markets, Tuesday (6/3/2024). The results showed that some prices of basic necessities had increased, but some had also decreased, such as premium quality rice from its original price of IDR 17 thousand per kilogram to IDR 15 thousand.

Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM during an inspection of the traditional market

The price of other commodities, namely granulated sugar per kilogram is currently IDR 17 thousand from the previous IDR 13 thousand. Curly chilies which were originally IDR 40 thousand per kilogram, are now IDR 70 thousand, eggs from the price of IDR 25 thousand per kilogram, are currently IDR 29 thousand. Chicken meat from the price of IDR 32 thousand, has now increased to IDR 37 thousand per kilogram.

Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM after the inspection said that the prices of several food commodities between one market and another were not the same. This is because some traders buy directly from distributors and some buy retail.

The prices of various basic necessities, Wahyu said, have been fluctuating in recent days. Meanwhile, in modern markets, the prices of necessities are relatively more stable and under control. "This means that even though there is an increase of between one thousand and two thousand rupiah, the time period will likely increase again for a longer period," Wahyu added.

"Indeed, residents said that some felt that the prices of necessities ahead of Ramadan were reasonable. But there are other buyers who feel that the prices are still high, and we will also see the scenario in suppressing prices. So that if the average price increase is not burdensome. We will try to lower it to be close to normal at the beginning of the year, so that it does not increase at the beginning of Ramadan," he explained again.

From this condition, Wahyu said TPID will immediately seek the best solution so that the price of necessities in the market is controlled, especially approaching the month of Ramadan which usually experiences a price spike. When there is an unreasonable price increase, a cheap market will be held.

"The existence of Warung Tekan Inflation led by the Cooperatives, Industry and Trade Service (Diskopindag) of Malang City will also be maximized. Thus, later the prices of necessities can be controlled, and not trigger inflation," concluded Wahyu. (say/yon)

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