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Celebrating the 110th Anniversary of Malang City, Dinsos P3AP2KB Provides Free Family Planning Services

Kedungkandang ( – The Social Service, Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning (Dinsos P3AP2KB) of Malang City provides free family planning services on the occasion of the 110th Anniversary of Malang City which falls on Monday (1/4/2024). Residents only need to attach a photocopy of their Identity Card (KTP) to get this service.

Free family planning services on the occasion of Malang City's 110th Anniversary

Head of Population Control and Family Planning Division of the Social Service P3AP2KB of Malang City, Sri Umiasih, SE, said in her office that several family planning services provided are injection birth control, implants, IUDs, Male Medical Surgery (MOP) and Female Surgery Methods (MOW).

In addition to health, Umi conveyed the importance of following this family planning program, namely to reduce stunting and regulate the spacing of children's births. On the other hand, the quality of children who will be born from a family is also determined by this family planning program.

"Before someone determines or chooses the type of contraception, they must undergo an examination or screening first. This type of contraception will also determine a person's health condition later. This means that if the type of contraception is not appropriate, it will result in discomfort and even pain," he added.

At this moment, the woman in hijab mentioned that there were 25 women and ten men who took advantage of this program. "Although there is no specific target, this program will be carried out routinely, namely at least once every three months in several places, such as health centers, clinics and hospitals," concluded Umi. (say/yon)

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