Kedungkandang ( – After performing halalbihalal and reviewing services at the Office of the Cooperatives, Industry and Trade Service (Diskopindag) of Malang City, the Acting Mayor of Malang conducted a review of the Madyopuro Market, Kedungkandang District, Wednesday (17/4/2024).

Acting Mayor of Malang Wahyu Hidayat and staff while inspecting Madyopuro Market 

Several things that became the concern of the Acting Mayor of Malang during his visit were related to the prices of basic necessities, market drainage, and also the issue of market lighting so that Madyopuro Market would be more representative.

Wahyu said that by going directly to the field like this, his party can see firsthand the real conditions at Madyopuro Market, including the prices of basic necessities after Lebaran. "Through this activity, hopefully we can provide the best service for the community. This market has many duties attached to Diskopindag, I want everyone to carry out their duties well and with enthusiasm," explained Wahyu.

Regarding the price of basic necessities in Madyopuro Market, Wahyu said it was still under control. "The price of basic necessities in Madyopuro Market, I surveyed, is still under control. God willing, in the coming weeks we will also check again. If later there is a fairly high increase, of course intervention will be carried out," said Wahyu.

Regarding the condition of Madyopuro Market which is still often muddy when it rains, Malang City Trade and Industry Office has taken anticipatory steps. Head of Malang City Trade and Industry Office Eko Sri Yuliadi said that he had submitted a budget for repairing the Madyopuro Market drainage. This is a response to addressing complaints from the public and market traders.

"According to the instructions of the Acting Mayor of Malang, this year the Madyopuro Market drainage repair will be carried out. The budget from the Malang City Financial Budget Change (PAK) in 2024 is around IDR 200 million," said Eko.

Madyopuro Market itself has been revitalized in December 2023, but there are still complaints about drainage that will be followed up immediately. In addition to drainage problems, the Malang City Trade and Industry Office will also coordinate with PLN to resolve issues related to lighting in the Madyopuro Market.

"Regarding the lights, we will coordinate with PLN, including checking whether there are any that have not been paid. Later we will check and coordinate directly," explained Eko.

Meanwhile, for the stalls of Madyopuro Market traders, Eko emphasized that according to the regulations, the stalls of market traders may not have additional rolling doors. (cah/yon)

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