OKlojen (malangkota.go.id) – After Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri, the development of food commodity prices tends to vary. The Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) of the Republic of Indonesia, Tito Karnavian, in the 2024 Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting, Monday (22/4/2024) appealed to regional governments to keep inflation under control. This is considering the current global situation which is also very influential.

Looking at the world economy, Minister Tito explained that Indonesia's economic growth is at 5,04 percent, which is very good. Furthermore, related to the development of global inflation, Indonesia is currently ranked 75 out of 186 countries in the world, which is at 3,05 percent. Then Indonesia's inflation among the G20 countries is relatively flat, which is ranked 10 out of 24 countries. While among ASEAN countries it is also relatively good, ranked 6 out of 11 ASEAN countries.
"We must maintain inflation, don't let it slacken. We must be aware from month to month, the global situation is also very influential, including the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine is one of the wheat producers, and we import from Ukraine so it is quite affected by prices related to wheat issues. This wheat is very closely related to the products we eat every day, starting from instant noodles and bread for example," he explained.
Currently, the Middle East situation which is the center of energy is heating up between Iran and Israel. This situation will have an impact on the world economy and politics where a trade war will occur, so this will affect all countries in the world including Indonesia.
"Iran has a huge influence on world energy, especially if it involves neighboring countries such as Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi. We know that in this world there are eight choke points for sea lanes, meaning very influential points, if these points are closed or disrupted, there will be economic disruption and even political conflict at the international level," he explained.
Minister Tito said that the national inflation rate is the result of the work of the central government and the accumulated work of all regional governments. For that, Minister Tito again emphasized to all regions to really maintain their respective inflation rates.
Meanwhile, Acting Head of BPS, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti fenomena explained the development of prices after Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah, the price of food commodities tends to vary. "Rice tends to decrease compared to the average price in March. The price of shallots tends to increase. Some other food commodities tend to be stable," said Amalia.
Amalia said that each region experienced varying price developments, so it could not be concluded in a national aggregate and was still waiting for price developments in the fourth week of April. Based on price monitoring of the Market and Basic Needs Monitoring System (SP2KP) in the third week of April 2024, there were several food commodities whose prices had increased and needed to be watched out for because there was an increase in the number of Regencies/Cities.
"Some of these commodities are shallots, garlic, cooking oil, broiler chicken, and granulated sugar. Meanwhile, the price of rice will gradually decrease until the third week of April 2024 along with the entry of the main harvest period throughout March-April 2024," he concluded.
Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM who attended the 2024 Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting online at the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) Malang City Hall emphasized and will follow up on the direction of Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian by synchronizing regional policies in order to control inflation. (yul/yon)