News inflation

To Overcome Inflation, Ministry of Home Affairs Instructs Regional Governments to Intensify Planting Movement

Klojen ( – The Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) attended the 2024 Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting (Rakor) held by the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) virtually from the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) Malang City Hall, Monday (6/5/2024).

Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Tomsi Tohir in his direction emphasized the need to increase planning efforts by regional governments to overcome the problem of inflation. One of the things he emphasized was to reactivate the movement to plant food commodities in the regions.

"We hope that inflation control efforts will improve over time, especially planting, so that it can be sustainable. Several regions have done it, but the results have not been significant because they have not been planned well," he said while leading the Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting from the Sasana Bhakti Praja (SBP) Building, Ministry of Home Affairs Headquarters, Jakarta.

Tomsi said that until today only 242 districts/cities are actively carrying out planting. "Therefore, on this happy occasion we appeal (to local governments) to be able to make a plan," he said.

Furthermore, Tomsi said that local governments can collaborate with third parties in preparing planting movement plans. Especially for planting a number of commodities that often experience price fluctuations, such as shallots, chilies, and corn. These commodities are of concern because they often experience price increases in many areas and often trigger inflation so that handling efforts are needed, one of which is through planting movements.

In this coordination meeting, it was also mentioned that there was a fairly high price disparity in several commodities. The existence of disparities in several commodities can open up opportunities for cooperation between regions.

Responding to the direction of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Head of the Malang City Food Security and Agriculture Service (Dispangtan) Slamet Husnan Hariadi revealed that his party had started a movement to plant chili plants since November 2023. The Malang City Dispangtan has also distributed chili seed assistance to farmer groups, urban farming groups, and women's farmer groups totaling 5.000 seeds.

"March and April 2024 will start harvesting. It is hoped that some of the chili harvest can be used as seeds again. This year, Dispangtan also received assistance in the form of 5.000 chili plant seeds from Bank Indonesia through the Malang City Agricultural Extension Association. It is hoped that the planting movement in Malang City will continue," he hoped.

In the context of coaching and mentoring as well as monitoring and evaluation (monev), Dispangtan also opened a communication space, one of which was by forming a WhatsApp messaging media group. In addition, there were also direct visits by agricultural extension workers to urban farming farmer groups and expanse farmer groups.

Slamet continued, for shallots, Malang City has established cooperation between regions in meeting its needs. "The shallot center is in Probolinggo and Nganjuk, so Malang City has Inter-Regional Cooperation (KAD) with Probolinggo. So Probolinggo Regency is the production center and Malang City is the market. This activity is one of our efforts in the context of the availability and stabilization of chili prices as a concrete step to control inflation," concluded Slamet.

For information, in April 2024 at the national level there was month to month (m-to-m) inflation of 0,25 percent, year on year (yoy) inflation of 3,00 percent, and year to date (y-to-d) inflation of 1,19 percent. Meanwhile, based on the Official Statistics News (BRS) of the BPS of Malang City, it was recorded that in April 2024 Malang City experienced month to month (m-to-m) inflation of 0,08 percent, year on year (yoy) inflation of 2,89 percent and year to date (y-to-d) inflation of 1,01 percent. This means that the inflation rate in Malang City was recorded as lower than the national inflation rate. (ari/yon)

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