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Arjowinangun Subdistrict Educates on Bioconversion of Organic Kitchen Waste

Kedungkandang ( – Arjowinangun Village, Kedungkandang District held a Bioconversion Training for Kitchen Organic Waste (SOD) at the Kasepuhan Hall, Arjowinangun Village, Friday (17/5/2024). This activity, which was opened by Arjowinangun Village Head Yoga Pandu Waskita, S.IP, M.AP, presented speakers from environmental activists and the Head of the Eltari M 230 Waste Bank, Yusup Karyawan.

Organic waste bioconversion training in Arjowinangun Village

In his speech, Arjowinangun Village Head Yoga Pandu Waskita expressed his gratitude to the resource persons and participants of the institutional capacity building activity that raised the theme of maggot cultivation to reduce household waste. "We are exploring knowledge, especially organic waste management that is specific to maggot cultivation," explained Pandu.

He revealed that his party raised this activity with environmental cadres in Arjowinangun Village because they wanted to solve the waste problem that could start from home. In addition, the waste bank that has been established is also according to him still not optimal.

He added that currently his residents are dumping garbage at the Arjowinangun Temporary Shelter (TPS) which is located on the side of the main road due to the closure of the Lowokdoro TPS. And the impact was that some time ago there was a garbage explosion.
"Arjowinangun Sub-district together with RT/RW, Head of LPMK and also environmental cadres are looking for solutions that can be done to overcome this, one of which is through today's activity, namely reducing waste starting from home," explained Pandu.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Arjowinangun Village Environmental Cadre, Syahrul, said that this activity was carried out to help the community in terms of waste management starting from home. Moreover, maggot cultivation is known to have an extraordinary role in helping the waste management process, especially organic waste. "The potential of maggots to decompose organic waste is extraordinary, the waste can be completely gone," said Syahrul.

He hopes that through this activity, waste circulation in Arjowinangun Village can be organized starting from the smallest environment, namely households, so that the volume of waste that reaches the Final Disposal Site (TPA) can be reduced to a minimum.

The resource person for the activity, Yusup Karyawan, revealed that many things can be done to handle waste starting from home. If managed properly, organic waste can produce very useful products. "Starting from producing maggots that can be used for animal feed, cosmetics, fertilizers, eco ezyme to becoming dry maggot bio silica into a very great fertilizer," he explained.

On this occasion, Yusup practiced directly how to cultivate maggots. In addition, Yusup also showed various samples of maggot cultivation results and various derivative products that have high selling value. (cah/yon)

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