News Law, Politics, and Government

KPU Officially Determines 45 Elected Candidates for Malang City DPRD Members

Starfruit ( – The General Election Commission (KPU) of Malang City finally determined the results of the vote acquisition of 45 candidates for Malang City legislative members at the Harris Hotel, Malang City, Tuesday (28/5/2024). The determination of the acquisition of political party seats and elected candidates for Malang City DPRD members in the 2024 Election was carried out after the Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the General Election Results Dispute (PHPU) lawsuit.

Determination of the results of the vote acquisition of 45 legislative candidates for Malang City

After this determination, a maximum of 21 days before being inaugurated, the elected DPRD member candidates must report their assets through the LHKPN (State Officials' Wealth Report) to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the receipt must be submitted to the Malang City KPU.

After the plenary meeting of the determination, the Chairperson of the Malang City KPU, Aminah Asminingtyas said, the wealth report is mandatory. If it is not done, the name of the person concerned will not be included in the KPU's decision letter. "Although it does not disqualify them as DPRD member candidates, it will later hinder the inauguration process," she said.

"After this determination, we will convey it to political parties for notification and a copy to the elected legislative candidates. Then this will be conveyed to the Governor of East Java through the mayor to be inaugurated later," continued the woman in the hijab.

Expert Staff for Economics and Finance of the Malang City Regional Secretariat M. Sailendra appreciated the determination of the results of the vote acquisition of political parties and legislative candidates. According to him, although there was a dispute over the vote acquisition, everything could be resolved well and Malang City remained conducive.

"For the upcoming Pilkada, of course the Malang City Government and the Acting Mayor of Malang hope that we will maintain a conducive atmosphere, including in its implementation," he added.

In this plenary meeting, the Malang City KPU determined 45 legislative candidates from nine political parties out of a total of 18 political parties participating in the election. They will be inaugurated on August 24, 2024.

The 45 people were recruited from five electoral districts (Dapil). The distribution of seats obtained was from Malang City Dapil 1 (Klojen District) 5 seats, Dapil 3 (Blimbing District) 10 seats. From Dapil 3 (Kedungjandang District) 11 seats, Dapil 4 (Sukun District) 10 seats, and Dapil 5 (Lowokwaru District 9 seats. (say/yon)

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