Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – In providing optimal public services for the community, the Malang City Government (Pemkot) is certainly supported by various parties, one of which is the Indonesian Ombudsman. The good collaboration was seen when the Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM together with the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST, MM and staff received a working visit from the Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman Mokhammad Najih, SH, M.Hum, Ph.D and his entourage at Malang City Hall, Friday (31/5/2024).

On this occasion, the Acting Mayor of Malang expressed his gratitude for the collaboration, especially the assistance from the Ombudsman in organizing public services in Malang City. He revealed that currently Malang City has a green zone status which is a predicate of high compliance with public service standards which of course cannot be separated from the support of the Ombudsman.
Wahyu said that in addition to trying to improve public services in order to reach the target community, the Malang City Government is also always open to complaints from residents. Complaints from the community are responded to and handled as soon as possible by the relevant regional apparatus. "We basically welcome and state good coordination efforts related to what the Indonesian Ombudsman has done. Therefore, we will follow up if there are complaints from residents by prioritizing deliberation and consensus," continued Wahyu.
In this meeting, Wahyu also introduced one of the programs aimed at collecting public aspirations directly. "We open the widest possible space to hear public input, also if there are people who are dissatisfied with our services. I present the Ngombe program which is an abbreviation of Ngobrol Mbois Ilakes, a forum for us to listen to public aspirations directly. We always respond and we resolve them," he explained.
After holding a discussion in the Mayor's Meeting Room of Malang City Hall, the Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman visited the Merdeka Public Service Mall (MPP) of Malang City. The Head of the Malang City PMPTSP Manpower Office, Arif Tri Sastyawan, S.STP, M.Si and the Head of the Organization Section of the Malang City Secretariat, Boedi Utomo, SE, M.Si accompanied the Chairman of the Ombudsman to visit service outlets at the Merdeka MPP of Malang City while interacting with the community who were utilizing various services.
The Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman also encouraged the Malang City Government to make various efforts to provide optimal public services and follow up on the results of the Indonesian Ombudsman's examination in a comprehensive manner.
At the end of his visit, Najih expressed his appreciation for the existence of the Merdeka MPP of Malang City which has been operating since two years ago. "This is a good development for the Malang City Government, especially in providing integrated services to the community. Hopefully all these services can be utilized well by all residents of Malang City," concluded Najih. (ari/yon)