News People's Economy inflation

Bapanas Appreciates the Inauguration of Food Kiosks in Malang City

Lowokwaru ( – Continuing to try to control and suppress the rate of inflation, the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) together with the Indonesian National Food Agency (Bapanas) and related food stakeholders, inaugurated the Food Kiosk at the Dinoyo Market in Malang City, Saturday (8/6/2024).

Inauguration of Food Kiosks at Dinoyo Market, Malang City

Director of Food Supply and Price Stabilization (SPHP) Bapanas RI Maino Dwi Hartono after launching the food kiosk expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the Malang City Government's initiative to develop the Food Kiosk which is expected to be able to control prices and inflation, especially in Malang City.

"This is a new initiative of the Malang City Government. We think this is part of the government's efforts to fulfill needs, especially strategic needs for the community," explained Maino.

Malang City became the first city to establish and launch Kios Pangan, which provides food ingredients at cheaper and more affordable prices because the suppliers are directly from the main producers. "We hope that what Malang City has done can be developed in other cities/regencies in Indonesia so that prices can be controlled and inflation can continue to be suppressed," Maino hoped.

After the launch, Maino together with the Head of the Malang City Food and Agriculture Service and other related parties had the opportunity to review every corner of the Dinoyo Market. As a result, he said that the stock of food supplies was still relatively safe and very good. Moreover, he said that the national rice stock was still safe. "What we are still noting is cooking oil, the minyakita brand. This is a shortage throughout the city, not only in Malang City. The government will continue to strive to provide stock to meet the needs of the community," said Maino.

Meanwhile, Head of Dispangtan Malang City, Slamet Husnan Hariyadi said that the existence of this Food Kiosk is to shorten the distribution chain. "Food Kiosk is basically the same as Warung Tekan Inflation, so we shorten the supply chain so that prices can be purchased by the public below market prices," explained Slamet.

Currently in Malang City there are only three Food Kiosks, namely in Dinoyo Market, Oro-oro Dowo Market, and Kasin Market. The hope is that in the future, 26 traditional markets in Malang City will have Food Kiosks, as well as in 57 sub-districts in Malang City. (cah/yon)

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